chapter twenty

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Four days went by in a flash, and the last day of the trip was nearing its end. It's safe to say that they enjoyed every second of their stay to the fullest.

Shopping, amusement parks, lunch and dinner at expensive hotels—the list of activities they did is long. They even went to the Sponsor's Factory of wines and beverages. Jake got to know more about that woman, who, in fact, is a dealer, not a sponsor. I mean, why would people like Heeseung and Sunghoon be in need of a sponsor when they are all millionaires?

Tomorrow, they have their flight back to Korea. And as the last activity before leaving, Heeseung managed to book the main swimming pool of the resort to spend some time with Jake under the starry night.

"Are you sure you don't want to jump right in?" Heeseung asked. Swimming in the perfectly lit pool, shirtless, Jake was in blue shorts and a plain white t-shirt.

While dangling his legs inside the warm water, he watched the elder from the side. "I wish I could~; I want to swim so bad," he whined, looking at Heeseung who was swimming elegantly inside the pool.

"What's stopping you?" Heeseung asked again, stopping in the middle of his laps.

Jake raised his hand, showing a white bandage covering his almost healed stitches.

"Then... just keep your hand over my shoulder; I'll make sure not to get it wet," Heeseung offered, understanding the situation.

Jake agreed. Heeseung came closer, the younger placed both of his arms on the taller's bare shoulders. Heeseung held onto both sides of Jake's waist and carefully helped him get down in the water.

"It's nice, right?" Both of them giggled like kids. Jake felt satisfied upon sensing the warm water on his body; it relaxed his muscles. With the help of Heeseung, he floated around the pool. This scene made Hee more than happy; his unwavering smile only confirmed the fact.

The ambiance was perfect, and the night light made the whole scene more magical. Jake kept giggling while flapping his legs inside the water. He was experiencing immense joy from the simple act.

"You are so thin, Jake. You have such a small appetite; it concerns me," Hee expressed as he traced Jake's waist up and down.

Jake flustered with the sudden change in the positioning of hands. "Umm, yeah," he replied. An awkward silence prevailed afterwards.

"Heeseung, I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for, literally, everything–"

After staring at Jake for seconds, who couldn't stop thanking him, Heeseung pulled Jake closer in a soft and tender hug. "Thank you for letting me take care of you; I wish we could stay like this forever."

Jake didn't say anything but soon wrapped his hands around the elder's neck, reciprocating the affection that he knows the elder deserves. Heeseung's words made him guilty; this 'forever,' Jake wishes for it more than Heeseung. "I wish too."

Every day Jake walks on the thin line separating his heavenly daydream and ugly reality.

Whenever Heeseung is around, Jake somewhat thinks that he can finally leave the swamp of darkness. But every time he tries to take a step forward, he falls back, more correctly, he is pulled back causing him to be stuck deeper in that swamp.

"Jake," Heeseung whispered.


"Why did you go up to the Terrace that day?"

Jake's eyes shot open. Heeseung gently pulled away.

While his one hand still firmly held Jake's waist, keeping him from falling, his other hand went up to the younger's face. He softly brushed back the latter's hair, and in a comforting voice, he asked, "Tell me what's troubling you. Who's troubling you?"

Anxiety started climbing Jake's system followed by a lump blocking his throat. He gulped down the saliva flow while his pupils fidgeted.

"It's alright if you don't want to tell me; I just want you to know that I am here to listen to you, lighten your chest when you are ready... I'll wait till you completely trust me again, Jake—"

"Jaeyun... Sim Jaeyun, my real name, Hee."

The elder was taken aback; a genuine small smile appeared on the elder's face upon realization. That's it, Jake told him that he trusts the latter.

"What a pretty name," Heeseung complimented. Jake immediately felt his cheeks getting red; he felt shy. This was a pretty big deal; it took eight years for the younger to tell him that. This shows that now, Jake's will to be with Heeseung was stronger than ever.

Both of them shared eye contact before Heeseung's eyes fell on Jake's plump lips; he gulped, so did Jake. He met the younger's eyes once again, as if asking for permission, and within a second, the elder claimed the latter's lips.

Heeseung's hand roamed Jake's hair, while the younger also used his uninjured hand to pull the elder closer. Both of their heads moved in rhythm.

The last day of their trip couldn't have had a better ending.

With both the guys kissing in a lighted pool under the open sky of Spain, the scene looked straight out of a movie.

With a soft smack, their lips parted, both breathless but happy. "Let's go back to the room," Heeseung said.


Two bodies snuggled on the bed with their clothes on the floor.

Jake's arm covered his face while silent cries were heard from the younger. Heeseung pushed Jake's arm up and pinned it to get a proper look at his face.

Jake's eyes had tears and some traces from the corner; Heeseung's heart fell, "Am I being too rough? Does it hurt a lot? Where does it hurt?" With concern, he asked.

Jake's eyes blinked twice. Upon realizing something, he slowly shook his head; no. Heeseung got confused, still worried. He soon found fear in Jake's eyes, getting the hint about what was actually wrong.

"Don't cover your eyes; keep them open. Be aware that it's me; I will never hurt you, never," he assured. "These marks," Heeseung caressed the fading marks on Jake's milky white chest, "whoever caused them, that person won't come. You are safe with me, Jaeyun—" With that said, the younger raised his head and slammed his lips onto the older's.

Jake couldn't feel safer; he couldn't feel livelier.

'I wish this dream never ends.'


Apology incoming....

I am extremely sorry guys for ghosting yall for literally two weeks.

I am actually neck deep in studies. I didn't take a break, infact I was extra busy and the future seems quite the same. I can't guarantee regular uploads for now but next time I'll make sure to inform you guys.
~love, impris

   ~love, impris

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