chapter thirteen

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"What in the world did you do to your house?" Heeseung was utterly shocked at the state of Jake's place.

But wait, how did Heeseung end up coming to Jake's house?

(Two hours ago)

After their heated conversation, Jake started packing his stuff. Heeseung only laughed in the corner; in his eyes, frustrated Jake looked the cutest.

When Jake started leaving, Heeseung offered to drop him home, which the younger obviously refused.

But what luck Jake got; because even after twenty minutes of pure struggle, he couldn't manage to get a taxi.

Heeseung knew this was going to happen, so he stayed in his car from the very beginning. He somewhat enjoyed Jake's run of luck. It was funny, to be honest.

Jake, on the other hand, gave up and walked silently towards Heeseung's car, opened the door, and sat without saying a word.

Heeseung smiled victoriously. "Are we going to stay here the whole night?" Jake finally spoke.

"We can if you want to," Heeseung said cheekily.

"Arghhh....just go."

Heeseung finally started his car; this was enough teasing for a day.


Jake was still scratching his head; this was really embarrassing, first the taxi and now his house.

Around five beer cans were on the coffee table, two bottles on the floor; Jake was sure there were more empty ones in the kitchen.

This was not it. There were clothes at every corner and even on the floor; a blanket was also half hanging from the couch.

As Jake looked around more, he regretted inviting Heeseung for a glass of water.

Both males turned their heads to look at each other; Heeseung had his hands on his waist while Jake shot an apologetic look towards the other.

Sorry, he mouthed. Heeseung only shook his head and picked up an empty plastic bag to stuff the bottles in it. Jake also moved and started cleaning the mess he created in a week. This was all a result of his unemployment.

When the cleaning was finally done, Heeseung plopped on the couch, and Jake finally brought him the glass of water he was invited for. Both of them laughed when Jake offered it, though.

Jake was in the kitchen, putting back the empty glass in its place, when he heard Heeseung saying, "Jake, we forgot your bedroom." Jake's eyes widened; he ran, and just when Heeseung was about to grab the doorknob, he stood in between.

With his skillful hand, he locked the door behind his back. "It's alright!! I actually cleaned my room this morning," Jake exclaimed.

"Ookayy...." Heeseung said; he was a little confused with Jake's sudden change in expression, but he didn't fight since he knows how to respect privacy.

"Hey, by the way, I was thinking that-" Heeseung turned to talk to Jake, who didn't notice that the other stopped and bumped into him.

Heeseung let out a chuckle, gently tapped Jake's head. "Still so much shorter than me."

"Yahh," Jake cursed in the cutest way possible. 'He really didn't change a bit' Heeseung thought to himself.

Suddenly Heeseung's bambi eyes found its way to Jake's. For a second, everything fell still. "I am back, Jake, can we still be friends?" Heeseung asked; this was not what he wanted to say earlier, but God knows what got into him that he said that.

Jake's eyes averted to the floor. "No" his voice stern.

"Back then, I didn't have any control over my life-"

"I know," Jake stated, he then stared back. "And I am not complaining about anything; you were just a friend, and you didn't matter to me that much."

"You say things like you don't care and that I was just a friend, but your eyes say otherwise, and the way you cried that time-"

"It was SIX years ago; I already forgot about everything."


"Leave; my hospitality ends here." Jake grabbed Heeseung's hand, dragged him towards the door, opened it, and then closed it on his face.

Sigh. There was so much Heeseung wanted to say, explain, but he couldn't.

Six years ago, at the end of the college first year, Heeseung left the country to continue his studies in France.

Of course, that was not his decision but his parents. Hee suffered during this time too, but the one who suffered the most was Jake.

First, the pain of separation was overwhelming, and second, having Hee near him gave him a sense of comfort. Heeseung was the only person Jake got close to other than Myung, after he came back to Korea. And the first after Myung changed.

It was really difficult for Jake to trust someone; he was scared of the secrets one can hold, but despite that, Heeseung managed to gain prominence in Jake's life.

Jake was often punished by Myung for hanging out with Heeseung. Myung wanted Jake to stay isolated, lonely, so when they both got the news of Heeseung leaving, Myung mocked him, tried his best to manipulate him.

Even so, Jake didn't listen to him; he wanted to prove Myung wrong. 'Heeseung is not like what Myung said; he is different,' Jake kept reminding himself of this.

Jake ran away from Myung to Heeseung; he cried, begged, went on his knees to stop Heeseung, but nothing fazed. Two years of friendship are not a small time span, and for someone traumatized and broken like Jake to spend two years with Heeseung, who gave him comfort; it felt like five years of happiness.

Yet as always, people come into his life to give trauma, and that's what Heeseung did. After Heeseung left, Jake was harshly punished, for running away and for choosing Heeseung over Myung. That was also the time when Myung started using sex as a form of punishment.

It's not like he never assaulted him before, but things never reached that stage. Myung insulted him, told him that this is what Jake wanted to do with Heeseung, and he was only fulfilling his wish.


Now Heeseung was back; Jake never asked him to come back. He knows that Heeseung is not at fault, but what can he do; he can't trust anyone anymore.

Being mutual friends is enough; he doesn't want to get close to Heeseung.

Well, look at the turn of fate; from working with Jay and Niki to being the PA of Heeseung, he doesn't know how he ended up here, but there's one thing for sure his life is going to turn into a rollercoaster soon.


Sorry for posting this a bit late 😅. I didn't want to spoil your New Year's celebrations since this chapter is a bit sad. Speaking of which, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I'm manifesting a great year for all of you.

I'm happy to enter this year with over 1k views. It's all thanks to you guys; I am extremely grateful.

Here's a gift for you, for being the best readers ever.
~love, impris

~love, impris

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