chapter twenty one

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Both the boss and his secretary had their seats side by side on the plane. "So, Mr. Assistant, ready to head back?" Heeseung's hand squeezed Jake's on the armrest, causing Jake's cheeks to turn cherry red. Who immediately hid it with a smug face. "Of course, Sir," he said in honyed voice, making Heeseung's heart jump. He turned his head away hiding his flushed face. He was experiencing flirty Jake after a long long time.


The flight took off, and the two men relaxed their bodies. The trip concluded, signaling a return to their work. Heeseung reached for his iPad to check updates on the stock market and his company's sales.

"Poor him," the CEO absentmindedly blurted out.

"Huh?" Jake peeked at the iPad, catching Heeseung's attention.

"You know, Mr. Hyuk Tae, the assemblyman from Daegu. It seems like he's in big trouble," Heeseung scoffed and continued, "if the allegations prove to be true, then... his is over."

"I wonder how this anonymous guy managed to reach the media. Generally, politicians are way too wary of their reputation. This guy should have been silenced by now," Heeseung finished, not perceiving the younger one's reaction to his storytelling.

Nausea took over Jake as he heard his father's name involved in the scandal.

Immediately, the younger man took out his phone to check further details of the ongoing breaking news.


"Assemblyman Sim Hyuk Tae Caught in Huge Accusation"

An unnamed individual came forward, accusing the respected Assemblyman of killing his whole family of four, leaving him orphaned on the roads to die.

The police have started investigating who this anonymous person is and whether they are really a victim.

Certainly, Mr. Hyuk Tae has denied all allegations, stating it's just a publicity stunt and is entirely for the purpose of defamation. But, since the accusation itself is significant, the police have raid-
ed his house. Luckily for the assem- blyman, nothing suspicious or out of the ordinary has been found.

While the police are still looking for the man behind the screen, another audio from the same guy has resurfaced, where the person can be heard crying.

Netizens are trying to connect the previous video to this one.

Jake stopped reading as his head spun. His concern grew, and he started showing physical signs of anxiety: biting nails, tapping feet until the plane landed.

"Go home, I'll take a taxi," Jake said, standing outside the car while the elder already settled in the back seat.

"I'll drop you off—"

"It's fine! I-I mean, the flight was long. Just go home and take rest. I have some errands to run; I'll go after that," Jake informed and sent Heeseung off.

He didn't have time to loosen up, so he moved, grabbing a taxi to his house and calling his dad on the way.

*The number you are calling is wrong or does not exist.*

*The number you are calling is wrong or does not exist.*

Frustrated, Jake decided to call his dad's secretary.

"Where's dad?" Jake asked as soon as the call got picked up.

"Where are you? Where were you?" His dad spoke from the other line, sounding agitated.

"Business trip. I'm heading back home now—"

"Good. You haven't told anyone about your arrival yet, have you?"


"Go straight to your house and clean everything. Once done, give Victor a call. The police have been wanting to check your house; they thought you ran off."

"Okay, Dad. I'll call you later," Jake ended the call. When Jake's dad said clean everything, he meant everything illegal: drugs, black money, or anything else that could cause them trouble.

By the time Jake reached home, the sun had already set, the street lights turned on, and only an orange-red trail behind the sun was left.

He heaved a breath as he stood outside his house; five days, he had never been out of his four walls for this long.

The lights weren't on, indicating Myung's absence, which he anticipated due to the ongoing drama.

Ever since Heeseung accidentally informed him about the news, he couldn't help but feel guilty. He is guilty; he knew how Myung always told him that if he ever left, Myung would destroy their father, but still, Jake left.


Jake put in his passcode and entered. There was something odd about his house, which he himself couldn't tell. It was like the house was never left vacant. You know the musty smell after opening a closed place? Yeah, it wasn't there. An unfamiliar feeling was lingering in the air; right then, a faint thud echoed in the house.

Jake's heart almost jumped out of his chest at the sudden sound. 'Is someone here?' he immediately shrugged the idea, thinking it must be a cat from outside.

Still, Jake proceeded to look around the house. He didn't want to enter his room, so he decided to check the other areas: living room, kitchen, bathroom. One more place before going to his room was the guest room.

He opened the door, which happened with a creak. The room was completely dark with a little light source outside. Jake took two more steps before pausing as faint rustling caught his attention. He slowly bent down to look under the bed.


Two screams overlapped.

"Ouch," the man under the bed probably hit his head.

Jake jitterily stood up, taking out one shoe and pointing it towards the bed. He held the shoe both hand "Who-who? Get out. I said get out, or I'll call the cops!" he threatened.

"Hyung??" asked the man under the bed.


Take your seats, drama is bout to start.🌟

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