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Ha ha ha!!!

Hey, pass me another one.

No way, this is hilarious.

They all look so happy.

I glanced on my side, a mirror from another room showed my reflection.

I look so happy.

"Okay guys, it's getting late and I have to go to work tomorrow" one of our friends said before taking lame steps to reach his things.

"I am also done guys, I'll leave too" another one said and pushed his wobbly structure up.

"Oh come on, it's not even midnight yet" the guy who was most drunk among all of us, whined.

"It's past midnight, you stupid" other who was in hurry smacked his head to knock some sence into him.

People started packing their stuff, I didn't insist on anyone to stay, I do not dare to stop them.

One after another they all left, except....

"Clean everything quickly and get inside the room."

A command

I nodded looking down and heard his footsteps fade away. I swiftly went to clean the big mess my friends had created.

I picked up paper towels to clean the pukes and splashes of alcohol on the ground.

My trash can felt smaller when I tried to fit all the empty beer cans they left behind.

After everything was at it's place, I washed my hands in sink and aggressively shook of the water, I didn't forget to spray the room freshener.

Now it was time; time to enter the lion's den and sacrifice myself.

My trembling hands reached my chest, consoling my heart by its warmth. I don't know why I am still not used to it.

'Because it's wrong'

No, I slapped the thought away and with all the courage I entered the room. He was reading a book on the bed.

"I'll take a shower first" I said. Again my gaze met every other object but him.

"Wait" a cold tone stopped my legs even before they started walking.

Another command.

He closed his book and walked towards me.  When he stood in front of me, unconsciously, my head lowered.

With his slender fingers he lifted my face up.

"You smile prettily" he said before caressing my lips with his thumb "and talk as sweet as sugar."

My heart pounded against my chest and a lump appeared in my throat, it was getting hard to ask for forgiveness in words.

I gulped in fear when his face neared mine, "on your knees" he whispered against my lips, his breath smelled alcohol.

My pupil went back and forth between his eyes. He is intoxicated.

As he walked around me, I stood there frozen, my sweaty hands grabbed the clothing where they were positioned.

Just then he kicked the back of my knees to get me in his desired position, I almost fell flat on the floor, luckily my hands supported my frame.

He yanked me straight by my hair. My helpless body swayed by the force, he is getting impatient; I can tell.

A bit of all feelings mixed inside me and formed tears in my eyes.

His hand let go off my hair to seize my jaw, he fiercely met my eyes. I tried to apologize through my vision without even knowing what I am apologizing for.

"Use your mouth for something good, Jaeyunie" he said while unbuckling his pants with his free hand, his other hand still firmly held my jaw.

Tears started rolling down due to fear. Anxiety twisted my stomach into a coil, nothing has started and I am already feeling sick.

I shut my eyes as I felt a presence of something infront of my face.

'This is wrong'

My brain started talking stupid again. Even if it is wrong, I still can't change the fact that this is my life.

They all are at fault.

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