chapter eight

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Jake woke up, with numbness all over his body. *Aghh* he groaned, every inch of his body ached as he tried to move.
Surprisingly Jake found himself on bed, unlike previous night when he fell unconscious next to the door. He tried to sit straight but his body was too weak to even push its thorax up. After lying helplessly for half an hour, he finally had the strength to move a little.

'What time is it' he thought, he flipped the blanket to look for his phone which was nowhere to be found.

He moved at the edge of the bed, let his legs dangle first, pressuring the wall and slowly raising from his bed. The simple act of getting out of bed, took him fifteen minutes with struggle.

With the support of furniture and walls he reached the living room, his legs were still quite deaden.

The room was in a good state, only the entrance was a'bit messed up. He found the grocery bag from last night, the contents from the bag were all scattered, and near the corner laid his phone.

He picked it up and tried turning it on but it was out of battery.

One by one he stuffed the items back in the bag and went to kitchen, drank water and ate two bananas. On returning back to his room, he plugged in his phone and rested on the bed again.

When his phone had just enough battery, he switched it on and was met with flood of messages.

He forgot that today was Monday, the day of his crucial meeting. Jake panicked but there was nothing he could do anymore. After reading all the cussing Jay sent him, he just simply dropped a message that he couldn't join due to some health issues.


At times like this I really couldn't reach out to anyone, I have no one to share my feelings with, no one to ask help from. None of my friends knows about the weird situationship I am in. That's why, at the end, all I could do is what I am doing right now-

*Calling M*

Hello. Myung?


I....I am still not feeling well, can you
buy me some medicine?

I  am tied up right now,  I'll talk to you later.
*Beep beep beep*

*Sigh* I guess I just take some more rest, hopefully this tingling and soreness will go away.


This feels good, my legs, it feels nice. I slowly open my eyes when I felt someone massaging my foot.

I raised my head, it was Myung sitting at the end of my bed, his thumbs moving in circular motion sending relief to my system.

"When did you get here" I asked in a little hoarse voice. "Just now" he answered. Must be true looking at how he still have his suit on.

"Get up, I got the medicine" he stated standing up, I also sat properly. "Here eat this first then take the meds" he offered me a bowl of Samgyetang (chicken soup).

"Thank you" I said grabing it, hot steam entered my nose, its aroma made me hungrier. I quickly blew the soup and started drinking right from the bowl.

From my side vision I could see him smirking, he shook his head and asked me to finish fast "after you're done let's go for shopping" he said, instead of replying I focused on my food. What's the point in answering when it was an order anyways.


"Another black turtleneck, don't you think you have too many, you can open a shop at this point"

"Hmm" I hummed a response, I don't feel like talking. After we left the clothing store with two bags, we decided to take a stroll in the park nearby.

"Here" Myung gave me qn ice cream that he probably brought from near somewhere; it's chocolate cone, my favorite.

It was peaceful, the park, there weren't many people and the evening was a little cold too. I stopped in my track and closed my eyes, I sensed him stop too. The wind hit my face sending sereneness down my body.

"Myung I'm sorry"

"Hmm" after two seconds he breathed out a heavy breath "I hope you know you were wrong. You lied to me, went there even after I clearly told you to not to and after that your fucking father rubbed it on my face on how you only listen to him" his breaths were heavy.

"Anyways wanna watch movie, we can grab the last show if you're down."

"Sure" I smiled at him, hiding my sorrow.

Why am I disappointed, he never felt guilty.

Why am I disappointed, he never felt guilty

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Myung sucks can you hurt him,  huh?

Jake's dad knows Myung???


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