cahpter twenty six

296 22 7

(7 years ago)

There was bedlam in the Sim mansion-like bungalow. Everyone in the house was terrified of this completely enraged politician who was throwing books and vases to the ground, cursing his own sons, calling one weak and the other shameless for annihilating his reputation.

The two younger boys stood in the middle of the living area, heads down, taking insults thrown by their own father.

Mrs. Sim was trying her best to calm her husband, but she was getting nowhere near mollifying the said man.

The two boys, on the other hand, looked wrecked. The older guy had a thick reddish inked palm print on his face, while the younger one was covered in unhealed bruises. Both guys got dismissed after hours and hours of scolding and a two-week grounding punishment.

Later that night, the head of the house, Mr. Sim, announced his intention to take matters into his own hands. Decisions were made, and within two weeks, the boys were admitted to another renowned school in the city.


It was the start of summer, and the senior high students were in a joyous mood. The classroom was disordered as students were doing their own thing while waiting for their homeroom teacher.

It was like any other day. Jay was at Heeseung's desk, talking to him about a movie; the latter was also invested.

Soon, everyone quickly ran back to their seats when they heard their teacher's low-heeled shoes click-clacking on the floor. Four legs followed behind her.

New transfer students.

A wave of confusion ran through the class, "Transferred students in 12th grade?"

The two freshmen proceeded to introduce themselves, but not by their birth names; the moment the young lads entered the class, their identities changed.

The two boys were no longer Sim Jayun and Sim Myung-hoon; they were now Sim Jake and Park Sunghoon.

Two completely unrelated guys stood in front of the world. They were no longer Sim brothers, bound by family ties. Instead, they were now two strangers. Thrust into a world where their past was erased.

That day was like the final carving. Earlier, they belonged as one, but now they were turned into two different pieces.

Heeseung greeted his new deskmate with a smile, the one who he remembered called himself  as Sunghoon. Behind him, he watched the quiet and intimidating one walk straight to the back of the class, taking a seat next to Jay.

'Guess we are about get new friends,' he thought.


(Present day)

Heeseung felt resentment; Sunghoon's unbothered and calm behavior was like mockery to him. He held the gun tight in his hand, unsure if he wants to pull the trigger or not. The action was completely rage-driven, but Heeseung had the realization that the person standing in front of him is his friend.

Before anything could happen, a weak and breathy call for help was heard.

With the last string of strength left in Jake's body, he called, "Stop... Hee... stop."

Heeseung's attention drifted towards the broken body near him. Heeseung quickly crouched back down, reaching behind and removing the restraints from Jake's wrists. "I am here, Jake. Don't worry, let's go home," he said, assuring the latter.

Heeseung covered Jake's body with his own coat before supporting him to stand up.

Jake's body was trembling without strength, his mind fuzzy, and the only thing he could feel were the stings, apart from that, everything felt numb.

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