chapter seven ⚠️⚠️

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DISCLAIMER: Heavy chapter ahead, people who are not comfortable with physical abuse/domestic violence.


Upon coming back home, Jake was too tired to even change his clothes. He slumped on the bed and got up after two hours; yeah he slept.

He checked his phone and yet there was no response from Myung's side. So to divert his mind from his rising trepidation, he decided to do some chores.

The evening fell when cleaning and rearranging the house was finally over. *Whew* Jake breathed out as he relaxed on the couch, he looked around; he felt happy upon seeing the house shinning.

After feeling extremely exhausted by his thoughts and the additional work that he took upon himself, Jake decided to cook something to eat. Earlier he convinced his own-self and others that he wasn't hungry but the growling of his stomach is indicating otherwise.

He opened his fridge only to find two flies floating over a rotten banana. He sighed wondering how he forgot to buy groceries. Thankfully the convenience store wasn't far away, so he quickly slipped into his flip-flop and went out.

Even while shopping he couldn't help but feel a certain anxiety, he knew something bad was going to happen but 'when'- was what turning his stomach upside down.

He froze two steps away from his house. The lights were on. Fear crept into his system. A sudden rush of saliva entered his mouth before he started throwing up on the road side.

After he wiped his mouth, he stood there panting for five seconds. It was enough time for a tall man who wore a trench coat to come near him. Jake was dragged by his arm like a dog.

It happened too fast and Jake didn't got the time to even open his mouth. Upon entering he was thrown hard against the wall. His body fell to the ground after the hit.

Even before he could react, he was pulled up by his collar and the same thing happened again. Of course Jake tried to stop the strong hands but it wasn't affecting the raged man in the slightest.

This time when Jake fell, the other immediately kicked his abdomen. Jake's body curled. His hand protected his face while other one, reached the injured spot.

"HOW DARE YOU, YOU FUCKING IDIOT." Jake was kicked again and again until he spewed blood. The other harshly pulled Jake up, this time he squeezed both of Jake's arms. He towered Jake with his terrifying aura.

"HOW DARE YOU DISOBEY ME!!!" Myung growled. "Didn't I tell you not to go to that old shit," he yelled as he shook Jake aggressively.

Jake trembled in other's hold, corner of his mouth had traces of blood. Tears fell like an open tap. His body was hurting awfully because of all the blow.

"I am sor...sorry" he struggled to let out a sentence. The grip around his arm tightened causing his hand to reach the pressed area in relfex.

"You know you deserve a punishment" the taller man's eyes were gleaming red, it shivered Jake to the core. Jake's eyes flashed fear and nothing else. He doesn't know what he can do to lower the other person's anger, his mind was glitching.

Jake was yanked inside the room and was thrown on the bed, today even the mattress felt hard. Jake hissed in pain. He felt hurt all across his body.

Before he realized, Myung was already kneeling over him. He forcefully straightened Jake arm and pinned it with his knee. Jake's other hand tried to remove the crushing weight but the knee didn't budge. He continued begging and crying but the other had no intention of stopping.

The powerful man leaned towards the side table, taking out a syringe, he filled it up with two different drugs before pulling up Jake's sleeve and injecting the substance in his vein. Jake's movement slowed down in surrender, he felt strength leaving his body.

The combination Myung injected, was suggested by a drug dealer to cause Asthenia*. Finally the heavy weight from Jake's body disappeared.

Myung harshly made him stand up, "Now stay like this till morning," he said and walked out, locking the door from outside.

Jake quickly dragged his feet towards the exit and started hammering the door while calling out for help. "Myung I'm sorry," he cried "I won' it again," he kept pleading until.............he lost all hope "I'm sorry," he whimpered.

Jake's body was shaking uncontrollably, his legs were experiencing crazy trembling, he felt cold, everything was happening all at once yet he didn't dare to sit.

He was well aware of the camera installed in his room.

The effect of drug was slowly getting stronger. An excruciating pain was forcing his knees to bend. Even so he kept himself from falling on his knees. Tears streamed down his face while enduring the unbearable pain. He waited in agony.

Slowly his body and mind gave up and his structure collapsed on the cold floor.


Asthenia: abnormal physical weakness or lack of energy. Person also experience pain as a symptom.

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