chapter nine

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Sunday get-together group photoSay cheese

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Sunday get-together group photo
Say cheese



The following week passed in the blink of an eye. Especially for Jake, all he remembers is getting fired and waking up at odd hours.

On Tuesday, when he went back to the office, a termination letter was slapped in his face. The higher-ups were angry, along with Jay. Even after having a good relationship with the Administrative Head and the CEO himself, this time Jay couldn't help Jake at all.

From that day on, Jake couldn't stop drinking. His rest of the week was a blurry memory where he remembered seeing Myung once or twice and hitting his pinky at the edge of a sofa; the latter one still hurts.


"My friends, I am officially the most useless person on this planet," Jake stood up on the sofa with a bottle of booze in his hand. He was wobbling a little, and a few of his friends were afraid that he might fall, while others were as drunk as him.

Sunghoon next to him pulled him down by the hem of his shirt. "You are going to crack your head open, dumbass, sit back down," he said.

"Ahh...for God's sake, someone shut him up," Sunoo grumbled.

"I'll do the honors," Jay said, stood up, and grabbed tissues to stuff Jake's mouth.

"I am so useless-....mumh...mumh."

"Ha ha, this is so fun to watch," Jungwon enjoyed recording the whole drama.

The night went on, and finally, Jake got tired by ranting and crying all night. He was too drunk to stay awake, so he dozed off in Sunghoon's lap.

"If staring at someone could kill, Sunghoon would have a hole in his head by now," Jungwon said near someone's ear.

"What do you mean?" Heeseung, who didn't realize that he was glaring at Sunghoon, who was runing his fingers through Jake's hair while Jake was sleeping, asked in annoyance. He didn't even bother to look at Jungwon.

"You know exactly what I mean," teased Jungwon as he relaxed himself on the couch. "But be careful, there are too many people who like him," he added.

"Who told you I like him?" Heeseung asked.

"I am not blind, you know," Jungwon retaliated.

"Jake's right; you are actually the nosiest in the group... by the way... who else likes him?" Heeseung asked. He didn't want to ask Jungwon, but his curiosity got the best of him.

Jungwon scoffed. "You should be wary of your competitors, Heeseung," said Jungwon. "Niki, need a shot?" Jungwon asked and proceeded his glass towards Niki, who immediately took it and drank it in one go.

Heeseung glanced over to Niki and noticed how he was doing the same thing as him, glaring.


"Should we take him home?" asked one of the friends as he walked past the house owner.

"It's alright, I'll take care of him," said the man and sent off his friends. He then turned towards the living area. Jake was still sleeping there, clueless that the party has already ended.

"They really left you here with me, huh?" The man walked near the couch and crouched down to Jake's level. With his slender fingers, he slid the few strands covering Jake's pale face. His lips curved into a smirk, cute.

The guy moved towards his bedroom while carrying Jake in his arms. The movement caused Jake to open his eyes. He blinked twice with his half-opened eyes, "Myung?"

"Hmm." Jake held onto Myung's neck for support till they reached the room. He was slightly awake by now, since he had been sleeping for a while. This doesn't mean he was sober.

"Myung, what should I do?" Jake said after getting placed on the bed. Myung stood at the side of the bed and just stared at Jake with absolutely no emotions. Jake's face was flushed red, and his eyes were welling up with tears again. He felt worthless; words can't describe how much he despised his life at the moment.

His life was now purposeless. He was nothing else except for being Myung's vent.

"Come work for me," Myung proposed. "No," Jake declined immediately. "In fact, I will not work with any of our friends anymore; you're all assholes," he added sloppily.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Myung asked with crossed arms. Myung's structure looked perfect in the moonlit room, probably that caused Jake to speak stupidly, "make me forget," he said.

Myung was taken aback by Jake's words. A smirky grin appeared on Myung's face. "You are so disgusting Sim Jaeyun, asking to be fucked by your brother like that."


Hold up...wait a second
Let me tell you something.
Ik 'brother', but don't be disgusted just yet.
I have an explanation for this and I promise it will all make sense.
Just stay tuned to know the truth of what kind of relationship Jake is in.

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