chapter nineteen

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"Am I still one of your loved ones?"

His voice echoes in my brain. The fact that he had to ask me that says a lot. It tells how my feelings are still unknown to him.

Six years back, my hands were tied; I had no power to stand for myself. But now, it's different, Jake. I'll show you what you mean to me.

Six years is a pretty big time period. I could have easily fallen in love with someone else, yet I couldn't. There was a part of my brain dedicated to him, reminding me that he exists and that he needs me... no! I need him.

Jake was like a mystery waiting to be solved, a treasure to be discovered. In the process of collecting his pieces for him and fixing his scarred soul, I fixed mine.

He took me out of the endless circle of trying to be perfect, something I never enjoyed. A purpose walked into the class seven years back.

I remember how thrilled and excited I was around him, planning on how to make him talk, smile, and even tease for the first time. It felt like his every 'first' happened with me, and I am glad.

When we got close, his tiniest things started coming to notice. He made me feel emotions I never knew existed. Surely, he was the one for me.

But somehow my family got the news, and they went berserk. After that, I was sent to France. That day I promised that I'll work hard and return with full control over my life. During the time of grind, my sole motivation was him.

It shatters my heart to see him how he has become his old self again.

"What are you doing?" He asked, peaking over my shoulder. I didn't notice when he returned. "Nothing," I turned my phone off before he could see the screen. "Are you done looking around? Shall we head to the hotel now?"

With his single nod, we proceeded out of the airport.


(At the hotel)

" annoying! Why didn't your partners book two separate rooms?" 😑 Jake flipped his hair back while Heeseung was seated on the bed, snickering.

"If they could book two flight tickets, then why didn't they book two rooms?" Jake glared with a pout, making Heeseung snigger more.

Yup! It's his doing. He canceled the reservation he made last minute.

"It's a suite, honey. Look around, it's huge, it has its own dining area and a personal pool. What else do you need?"

"First of all, don't call me honey; I'll gag. And second, it only has ONE BED!" he exclaimed.

"It's a freaking king-sized bed," Heeseung shrugged.

"Doesn't matter, I am not sleeping with you," Jake stated. "If this hotel doesn't have any other rooms left, then I'll go find another place," he picked up his bag, ready to go. (Heeseung bribed the receptionist to say all that.)

"Yeah, right! In the middle of the night, in a new country, in a new city, and congratulations, you don't even know the language... remind me why I hired you as my PA again, 'cause I sometimes regret," Heeseung stood up, grabbing a towel, and walked towards the bathroom of the suite.

Jake's bag fell to the ground as he stomped his feet, then sulkily went to take the previously taken spot. Heeseung couldn't help but giggle at the sound.


(Conversations written in bold are in Spanish)

Next day at evening both of them got ready for the purpose they came here for; meeting Sponsor.

The car stopped in front of a luxurious club, muffled loud music could be heard from inside. "Why are we here?" Jake asked, clueless about the situation.

"This is where we're going to meet; it's her club," Heeseung informed. Jake's eyes grew in excitement, wow, was all he could think.

Suddenly a man approached both the males, "Mr. Heeseung?" Heeseung gave a nod before both of them got assisted to a private meeting room inside the club.

Heeseung unbuttoned his tuxedo and took a seat. Not long after, a woman dressed elegantly in a black satin slip dress with a white fur coat entered; behind her entered another formally dressed man.

"Oh my god, Heeseung-ah!" The woman flung open her arms and hugged Heeseung, smiling cheekily. Suddenly her aura changed from a serious, businesswoman to a joyous and excited one.

"Sponsor! After so long," as if things were not already confusing, Heeseung reciprocated the attitude; they looked like long-lost besties. Jake squinted his eyes as he read the room. They sure are friends, he concluded.

"How is it going?" The conversation went on in Korean; apparently, the lady is originally from Korea and she is also a mutual friend of Heeseung and his work partners.

The evening was long, but it was finally coming to an end. Both the parties got up, ready to leave. "I must say Heeseung, you've gotten much more handsome than before," the lady traced her finger down Heeseung's arm flirtatiously.

"But there's someone more handsome than me in this room," Heeseung then pulled Jake closer by his waist, taking him by surprise. "My boyfriend," he cheekily added.

Jake quickly removed the taller's hand, feeling all embarrassed and clueless about the conversation.

The woman laughed; she then went near Heeseung's ear, "guess, we both have our assistants locked," she whispered, making Heeseung glance over her shoulder; her PA looked awkward and nervous. "We both share the same brain cells," Heeseung whispered back with a smirk.


"It was nice meeting you, Jake," the lady shook his hand, and after her did her PA. "Make sure to get drunk before leaving," she told them and finally bid her goodbye.

"What was that?" Jake asked.

"I'll explain later, but before that, wanna get drunk?"


Sorry for making you lovely people wait♡♡

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