04 : Marriage Discussion

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Third person's pov

Now the two individuals are on their way to the said restaurant eagerly wanting to meet their parents after a long time as they were busy with their respective works and didn't get enough time to spend with them.

Even though, it's Early April the night is unexpectedly chilly today and the cold air is flowing across their faces but both the individuals are silently enjoying the night breeze grazing their faces ,coming from the window of Jungwon's car.

After a long hard working day at their respective work places, this is what they need "peace". After sometime they arrive at the Red Stiletto Restaurant looking grand as ever in front of them, after they stepped out of the black SUV.

The place is looking elegant and the staffs are scattered around both inside and outside for the their respective jobs and customer service. As this place is mainly famous for its splendid customer service and savoring food. The place is bustling with people. For Official purposes or family occasions, there is reserved rooms too.

Currently, The Ice-Firez duo proceeds in their way to the reserved room by their family. Once they reached by the help of the waiter leading them in their room. The waiter open the door and the the Duo went inside to see their parents happily talking in the Blissful Atmosphere after a long time again.

Mrs. Kang caught the sight of them and let out a aww of adoration and catching the attention of the rest .
They look up and and their eyes lit up to see their kids after a long time.

Mr. kang got up from his seat and dashed towards his only daughter and pull her in a sweet hug. Same goes with Mrs. Yang with her Son.

The other two parents just fondly staring at their family, making their way towards their child to to greet them with a hug too.

What a festive atmosphere , everyone is Delighted and beyond paranoid. But , Jungwon and Jia don't know whether this atmosphere will remain same for both of them after some time .

After the greetings, they all settled down in their respective seats moreover Jungwon and Jia in between their respective parents.

The gaurdians are content to see their children being successful and happy but they are and were worried about their health as they Both are still young.
So the most awaited session took place along with the dinner as they started eating.

"Oh may gosh, you kids are looking so skinny. Don't you get something to eat while working. And kids ,how come you have slight dark circles under your beautiful eyes , are you not sleeping well this days, darling?" Mrs. Yang spoke to the both young adults in their early twenties.

"Yes, sweety.Last time I saw you both , you were looking healthy. What do I do with you both. You never listens hah ! You need to take care of your health kiddos. You lives alone for God sake. Now I'm glad that, we came to make That decision, Jia's Dad." Spoke a worried mother of Kang Jia, caressing her daughter's cheeks.

Jungwon and Jia locks their eyes and smile whole heartedly at their mom's worrisome scoldings. It's been a long time since they hear their nagging. It's a way of mom's to show their love for their kids.

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