19 : Dreadful Convention

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Third person's pov 

The newly married couple got ready to go to work, early in the morning. But sadly, it was not the usual happy, cherry vibe in the morning between the two infact it is contradicting to their previous night which was extremely lovely and endearing. The vibe is gloomy, sullen in all one word to describe the atmosphere - Morose.

And it's all radiating from our always cherry and bubbly girl who unfortunately today is the most sullen and coercion, she has ever been her entire life until now. On the other hand, our lover boy is in total confusion by his lovely wife's sudden change of mood since yesterday evening and is being kept in darkness of course not purposely. He can totally feel that, there is something definitely going on behind his back or more like he is not aware of. 

Soon it is going to came into light and right before his eyes so, no worries instead it will become a hefty subject of concern for his love though. The boy desperately wanted to have a talk with his wife about her uneasiness since yesterday, like what in the world happen ? But he is not able to find the right time to talk with her. Sure its true that they live under the same roof but that doesn't mean that they are talking all the time about this kinda stuff. There is always a time and situation to talk about serious stuff. 

The main reason Jungwon didn't pry or tried to talk it out with her is because she was radiating 'I don't want to think about it anymore nor talk about it.'  On the top of that she was looking tired, sad and sullen so instead of forcing her to open up he decided to distract her from her heavy thoughts for a while.  Also if she don't want to share this stuff with Jungwon for now, he respect her decision because he know sooner or later she will tell him or the thing will reveal itself. 

But that also doesn't mean that Jungwon has been able to fully ignore that, he is also having thoughts like, " Its confusing when you can't determine if the signs are for you to give up or just a test to see how long you could hold on.." 

" True love is like a ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen and I think, I'm that lucky person who got to experience it. A man reserves his true and deepest love not for the species of woman in whose company he find himself electrified and enkindled, but for that one in whose company he may feel tenderly drowsy."

And just like that their morning started, both individuals lost in different deep thoughts about love & life. Both dwelling in thoughts so much that they didn't realise when time passed and they are now in their workplace, already anticipating the arrival of a new individual, a familiar yet a new edition on their already chaotic life.  

" Sir, Miss Seo is arriving in 15 minutes, she got stuck in traffic." Sunghoon informed Jungwon is sitting in their company building's conference room  along with Mr. Hwang and Jia.

Jia who heard this got visibly tensed which both the males succeed in noticing and were on there way to confront her but Sunghoon got the chance first as Jungwon is sitting a little far from her. 

" Girl, chillax, everything will be good soon. You got your jealous husband there, see.." Sunghoon gestured in a assuring yet teasing tone towards the jealous man who is shooting draggers with his cat-like eyes at them while smirking. 

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