14 : New-born Conception

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Yang Jungwon's pov

At last all the rituals were over and all the guests went home. Jia's parents, Niki's parents  and Niki have also gone home after a while of relaxing here which left my parents and Jia in our penthouse. My parents are staying for the night leaving as no no choice but to share a room together, its not like we haven't done it before but now its different. 

We are a married couple now, that means we will be sharing a bed too, that's not a problem either. The main problem is the invisible tension between us, we are unendingly being shy currently.  I am so over the moon right now at the fact that we will be sharing a room, yay ! I am Saur excited for this new change. I just hope that Ji is feeling the same, I really desire her to feel the same even if its tiny- winy. With all these thoughts circulating my mind, I bid goodbyes with my parents who were legit teasing me causing my ears to turn bright red.  Soon departing from there shyly, I now stood in front of our shared bedroom. I took a deep breath in, trying to ease my tensed self from nervousness. 

A mere door is now the only barrier stopping us to come face to face and here I am withering like a leaf, my hands feeling calmy, darn it why out of all the time, my introvert-ness is coming out now.  I exhaled a heavy breath and reassured my self that everything will be fine between us, I know it . You can do it, Yang Jungwon ! I grabbed the door knob and twisted it causing the door to creak open revealing a heavenly sight. 

There sat my dear wife on the queen size bed in her all glory looking like a goddess in her white shiny lengha. I guess she was waiting for me too and Boy, She IS nervous too just like me. Her body kinda tensed when she sensed my presence, turning to look in my direction who is closing the door and walking towards her now. 

"Wonnie.." She said in a gentle tone, smiling. Her face illuminating in the moonlight being casted upon her from the open window. Oh my gosh, she will the death of me, someday. 

"Ji.." I also said her name, her name left a sweet taste in my mouth as I pronounced it. I broke out into a huge grin causing my dimples to resurfaced which always succeed to put her at ease. And this time too, she gave me her hearty smile in return, relaxed. I went and sat by her side, engulfing her in a warm embrace out of nowhere. She sure was startled nevertheless hugged me back, melting in my embrace. 

We both immersed in this moment, let out an contended sigh. Marriage bonds two people in body and mind, and allows them to appreciate the miracles they find. Romance and compassion carry them along, Respect and acceptance make the marriage strong. Imparting words and action of love from deep inside, acknowledging each other  while standing side by side. Great marriages are created by husbands and wives, eternally being grateful they are in each other lives. Moreover  I promised her in our marriage vows to do all these things, I will try to make our marriage successful. I love you Yang Jia for eternity. 

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