20 : Back At Home Again

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Yang Jia's pov

Days have passed since Seeun come back and our first project was successful than ever. Our work came to an end in Bordeaux, France. For which I felt both sad because I have made a good friend there, Sunghoon but I have to leave from there and happy because we were going to Korea back again but what surprised me was that I didn't expected Seeun to also go back with us for the upcoming Masquerade banquet to which she was invited, aah !

Jungwon is been cautious around Seeun from the day, he met her. Is it because of me ? Did he already notice ? What am I even saying, he is observant from the start. Even though Jungwon is not doing anything, it's Seeun that's doing everything in order to woo Jungwon but I heard that day that Jungwon clearly told her that he is married then what's the misconception here ?

Anyways we are back in Korea after 2 weeks and this weekend is going to be a big day for all the business entrepreneurs, models and fashion designers as a huge and fancy Masquerade banquet is going to be held by the most important person in this field, Mr. Park Jongseong,and ofcourse we all are invited.

I really gotta meet Niki tho, I haven't seen or hear from him in a while. Is he dead or something !? Bro I need your emotional support here... Currently I'm in our sweet home balcony, enjoying the evening breeze with a breathtaking view in my sight while resting my arms on the railing and in the background soothing songs playing in the speaker.

I grabbed my phone from the small table present in the balcony and messaged Niki.


Me :

Monkey.. ?

Monkey boy :
Whats bothering you, shawty !?

Wahh ! That was quite fast for a reply.. is he finally free from those heavy schedules now ?

Me :
Can we meet tomorrow ? I have got a lot to tell you.

Monkey boy:
Of course, I haven't meet you in a while now.

Tell me, anywhere and anytime because I got days off in the mean time.

Its like once in a blue moon chance, so must use it wisely, YK..

Me :
Thank you but..
Are you really that time-deprived Riki ?

Tell me honestly, were you eating on time ? Getting enough sleep ? Was it that bad that you had to take days off ?

Bro.. get a fucking grip, or u might descend to hell sooner than your estimated time.

Monkey boy :

Thank you for your concern but puh-lease shut the phakk up bish..
You didn't even named heaven for me to go after I die.

Do you think you are going to heaven, by any chance !?Snap out of it, you are not a sane person, girly. 

Dream on bish.. the amount of sins we have committed since High school is uncountable and you sure as hell are going to go with me in hell too after your pitiful death later on.

Me :
Damm, moron that probably hit a nerve.

But that's true tho, I think even Lucifer will kick us out from there.. 😂

Monkey boy:

That can totally be the case, who knows.. 🤣

Anyways, spill everything when we meet tomorrow.

Me :

See you at Mikrokosmos café around 2 o'clock in the afternoon..
Monkey boy liked your message.

It read, I gently smiled and put back my phone down on the table. Niki always have a way to divert my mind from negative thoughts. He and Jungwon are really my lifelines.

The sun is about to set, the sky is looking silky, smooth collusion of sky burst Reds and yellows into the calm of night. Soon it's dawn, the sunset was merely a prelude to the dawn. As my eyes drift to rest I'm one with the stars, my skin cooled by the breeze, the night sky sparkling with luminous objects. The reason why I'm here currently is because I got off early today from work to cool off my head from heavy thoughts and it's working.

The soothing lyrics of one of my favourite Taylor Swift's song is running in the background, my favourite verse goes off.. I let out a small content sigh, folding my arms and resting it on the railings.

"Ladies and gentlemen, will you, please stand ? With every guitar string scar on my hand, I take this magnetic force of a man to be my...

Suddenly the voice changed from Taylor's voice to Shawn, his melodious voice filling the calm atmosphere in which I faild to notice quite steps approaching me from behind because I was too lost in serenity which I rarely get these days.

" Look in my eyes, they will tell you the truth. The girl in my story has always been you. I'd go down with the Titanic, it's true, for you.. Lover."

Soon, veiny arms wrapped around me from behind and nuzzling their head in my neck, inhaling my scent, I got tensed at the sudden skinship, startled and thinking who might be this person ? The main gate is locked unless it's my husband who have entered our home.

And my guess is proven true, it is indeed my husband, I recognised his body scent which never fails to calm my nerves and leaving me feeling jittery. He gently placed a kiss on the beating pulse on my neck, making my heart skip a beat and my breath struck in my throat, at the sensations, blood rushing to my cheeks painting it in red hues.

I smiled and rested my back on his buff chest, placing my arms on the top of his. We both are silent, enjoying the serenity before us as we saw sun dawning, settling in the horizon. We both are same as before, nothing have changed between us even after Seeun came back, even if it did, I chose to neglect it for now.

If I could, I would want to stop time, forever and ever in this moment. Because I'm afraid, this moments will not last long, it's the calm before the storm.

I'm feeling like I'm in real back at home again after a while now. I can only wait and be patient enough to deal with what comes in my way from now on with my head held high.

But still, I already texted Niki, talk about it all the stuffs that happened in Bordeaux to till now. We are finally going to meet tomorrow, I missed my monkey, tho.


Keutt !!

Kinda short and rushed chapter but here you go !! If I add something in this later on, u will get notifications anyway..

Byeeeie !!

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