24 : Skirmish Of The Heart

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[ CW : Mention of blood, Long chapter tad bit gore.]

Third person's pov

"So, what is it that you wanted to tell, Seeun ?" Jungwon asked as soon as they reached the silent halfway near the fountain, seemingly impatient to go from there to his wife. Don't get him wrong, he isn't annoyed or hate with Seeun, he just want to spend some time with Jia. 

"Jungwon." Seeun started determined to tell the love of her life everything before finally letting him go and move on. Its was for the best anyway, they both will be happy with the one person they love. If letting a person go is good for everyone then what is the point of stopping him, if his happiness is with someone else then what is the point of forcibly keeping him close. 

She decided to let this guilty- burden off her shoulders, " I know, its sounds utterly ridiculous yet I wanted to tell you everything I have felt  since the moment I have met you back in collage. I also know that its pointless anyways but still hear me out please."  Jungwon slightly having an idea on what she is about to tell him, he gave out a hesitant nod, seeing how nervous the girl infront of him is, he softly patted on her back of hand to let her know she can talk without being a nervous wreak. Also he didn't thought her words were ridiculous or pointless as she thought he would, every person feelings are important. 

" I have fell in love with you since the first moment I saw you at the corridor, waiting for Jia infront of our classroom along with Niki. It was just a fleeting crush at first, I swear But ever since we became friends, my love for you grew, and I felt like a fool to think that there could ever be something like love between us. I've been cherishing our moments together, I had started to feel that you too felt a little something to love for me, Jungwon." Seeun let out in painful voice like its jeopardizing her every time she let out those words while Jungwon is flabbergasted to the core. He never thought a day like come where his first love will be saying this. 

" Seeun, I understand but--" Jungwon voiced out yet got cut off by Seeun, who was in desperate need of letting all this blade-sharped words out of her mouth because it was now physically starting to hurt her. 

She is fed up being a bad person in someone's life unnecessarily, she just wanted love. Was it too much to ask ? Is she wrong to love someone her heart desires ? People can't control their feelings, they can't control who they fell in love with. Is she in wrong to love Jungwon ?  Is she selfish to think that she and Jungwon can be lovers too ? Or it all started for the first time, was then she was at fault to even feel something for him ? Seeun thought all this while her big eyes turned glossy making Jungwon feel guilty because he know what's it feels like when the person you love don't love you back yet he can't even comfort her.

He has been through it but then he met with his right person, who was there for him through thick and thin, overcoming every obstacles together. He is sure Seeun will find someone more better than him, someone she deserves, someone who will love her to the moon and back. She will move on eventually and find herself a better person to be with, who knows he might be somewhere very close to her, she  don't have any idea just.

But all this things will happen in future not now, it will take time.  Now she is suffering from the heartbreak, what she is feeling right now is pain, guilt and wronged. The feeling of pouring your soul into residing in someone's heart, only to find yourself standing alone in a deserted courtyard of affection- echoes the symphony of silent heartbreaks, where your vulnerability is met with the chilling silence of unrequited echoes. 

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