21 : A Desperate Need Of A Friend

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Nishimura Riki's pov

I am finally free from work for a sufficient amount of time. I haven't properly met up with Wonnie and Shawty for a while with all our mismatched schedules and sudden appointments. So, yeah here we are now, ultimately meeting each other even though, Jungwon will be not present this time only.

That's not a problem, we can always meet later, Today is Jia's day. She told me yesterday day that, Seo Seeun is back and she got a lot to talk about that topic regarding her.

Accordingly here I'm today to listen to what's she is about to tell me. And all sort of stuffs happening in her not so peaceful life. Honestly all we do is, share juicy gossips here and there and some trivial stuffs which kinda gives a sense of freedom from this fast-paced world. Its like, we are in our own chaotic yet therapeutic world if you can understand.

Jia Turned up at the Mikrokosmos café for her and mine Meet-up or more like gossiping session. Don't underestimate this chic boy, I love juicy gossips and everything that Jia and Jungwon tells me.

Jia...She moves like summer, talks like rain, laughs like music, sparkles like champagne. She's a sky full of stars pretending to be one strip of light.

Its a shame, she got married to my best friend instead. I know I said it before that I will keep my feelings in check but I'm human too, to feel envy, grief, mourn is human.

When she was getting married to Jungwon while looking ever so ethereal standing on the aisle, all I did was watch them from the side-lines.

And I kept looking, the warm and bright. And I kept noticing the ringing and erubescent. And I switched off my lights just to see her. Was gazing from distance yet it felt so near. That day she kept shining with her full might. I couldn't keep my eyes off as if she was the Aphrodite. Leaving her beautiful blue, she turned light red. Wish I could have told her everything before she became his.


And I wondered what it was like to be chosen, To be chosen. I was never chosen. I was a maybe, a probably sometimes even a definitely but never the one...

I kept peering at her until she sat infront of me with her cherry smile on her plump lips. I gave a playful boxy smile in return and waved my hands.

Right.... She is in need of friend not of a lover and I'm that friend of her to which she can come anytime of her needs. I consider my self lucky that I have such importance in Jia's life. And I will be her friend for the rest of my life.

Its a bitter pill to swallow but what's the point on grieving over a love that's was never mine to begin with in the first place ? Sometimes the only way to love is from afar.

I got out from my angsty thoughts when she called me, "Oiiii, Monki it's been a while ! I'm surprised, you are still alive after all that exhausting meetings."

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