22 : Panorama Of Others

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Yang Jungwon's pov

I'm working overtime today, damm it's Tiring me out these days. From all the overwhelming feelings to a handsome amount of work taking a toll on me. Every one except me went home early to their loved ones, I'm alone in this solitude of an office of mine. I have been feeling so exhausted these days. The only thing that let me through all these without any difficulty is my wife.

She is the light illuminating my dim world. I can feel the that I am obliged to prove my love to her all over again, even though I know that I don't need to do it, she knows I love her only.

But it has became my defence mechanism against all this. I bet she sometimes feels suffocated in my presence with all this noticeable tension in the air.

It seems we have drifted away yet we are by each other side. I feel like, am breathing burdened, haven't exhaled freely in a while now without any negative feelings etched on the back of my mind. All I do is let out heaved sigh in helplessness. I want fucking get away from all these, even if just for a millisecond.

The only peace, I get these days is when I sleeps in Jia's protected, love-filled embrace.

I have become stiffer in my own self, refusing the outstretched hands of others, convinced that I must bear this burden alone. I think and do everything myself, a relentless pursuit of self-reliance that masks the vulnerability and pain that lies beneath. Yet, even in my solitude, I am careful not to let other feel less, to shield them from the weight of my suffering.

What am I but a curse, a solitary figure lost in the labyrinth of my own existence, yearning for a light that may never return ?

What am I but a curse, a shadow of my former self, trapped within the confines of my own body ? Once, there was a spark within me, an innocence and purity that now lay extinguished, leaving behind only a hollow shell. Once so vibrant and all-encompassing, now feels distant, a mere memory of what once was.

Why suddenly I'm thinking of such heavy thoughts while working but it can't be helped, I'm already far away from the term concentration. I'm suddenly being poetic, it's the inner me, from the bottom of my heart.

I need someone to talk to or else I will go madly insane. Who should I call out at this hour ? I don't want Jia to be more burdened so not her. Riki... I can't face him, fortunately he was busy with work all this while and I haven't met since then properly.

How can I look at him in the eyes and tell him that I have started to love the same girl, he loves from high school. I also remember the pact between us but I'm feeling guilty. I don't have in me to call him. Lord, help me please, I'm lost.

Oh World,my World, my love is what I remember  it was beautiful which made me cry. My soul got wings, started to fly, left my body with this blue poetries and it was beautiful what I can say, only think I remember is Thank you love for coming into my world.

While I was lost in my oh so depressed thoughts, my phone dinged with several messages. I looked at the screen to see my dear wife and my brother messaging me.


Riki_Jackson :

Yang fucking Jungwon, we need to talk, asap.

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