06 : Reunion

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Third person's pov

A week has passed since the family reunion. Everything is progressing swiftly, the preparations of their engagement ceremony have almost finished.

This October 2023, the day after tomorrow will be marked as their engagement day and the beginning of new chapter in their life as a couple from then on.

The only thing that is constant is their feelings for each other, maybe that might as well change as time passes.

The Nishimura Family have already came back from their trip and today they are going to visit the kang family cause they were not present when Jungwon and Jia's marriage got fixed. Also the Nishimura and Yang family are invited for dinner, tonight at the Kang residence again.

But for whose marriage this celebration has been organised, both of them are busy with their own respective works today.

Jia is busy preparing for the Fashion show that is being held in Seoul just subsequent to their engagement.

Same goes for Jungwon He is as well preparing for the meeting taking place for initiation of his overseas branch as he apparently expanded his business in states.

The real thing is that both of them don't want to put off any work for later, they just want to feel familial love once again by going home early and are excited to meet their dearest yet playful friend who is back in Korea after months.

Now the boy in question Niki, he has returned home after finishing his business overseas today and is too excited to meet his lovely friends and family.

Niki feels that today's dinner has been scheduled only because they have gathered after a long while again but he doesn't know that the party was organised for something else too. And maybe after knowing the other reason for his reunion, his heart might break a little.

Time skip
At Kang's Residence
Time : 7:07 pm

Softly the Evening came with the silky, smooth collusion of sky burst Reds and Yellows into the calm of night. And slowly every one started arriving except for the Troublemaker Trio named JiWonKi who have not arrived yet.

The kang family lives in a lively neighborhood in a penthouse as it's only Mr. & Mrs. Kang residing in here, omitting the sudden arrivals of Jia occassionally whenever she feels lonely at her condo.

It's is decent for family gatherings, the house have a backyard, parking space, five bedrooms with personal bathrooms and wardrobes, a kitchen with dinning table by side and lastly the main hall or living room.

The parents of the Trio in question are sitting in the main hall awaiting the arrival of their kids while Chatting about their present lives.


Niki's pov

I feel so over the moon after coming home. Well, all my troubles are over , now I can comfortably meet my Dearest friends and family because Mom and Dad have also returned from Japan this morning.

If only my flight hadn't been delayed, I would have come home in the morning too. Anyways momentarily I'm in my Condo getting ready. It is already evening here, Are Jia and Jungwon still working ? I can't my self anymore as I'm too eager so, I will just conference call them.

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