16 : Métier Sojourn

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Yang Jungwon's Pov 

Days passed, currently its the month of Love, I mean February in which all kinds of days are celebrated. Well, that has nothing to do with us because I got my wife on Valentine. Soon came the date of departure for France, Bordeaux where our new branch is located.

Bordeaux is a thriving city and the seventh-largest metropolitan area of France. These area is known as the "French Tech City".  Its a very pleasing decision to locate our another setup there because Bordeaux also has a remarkable figure for business creation (74,000 new companies in 2009), a figure that is constantly increasing.

And today we are boarding the plane for Bordeaux, France and by we, I mean me and my wife also. Yes, Jia is also going with us as our company's assigned Fashion designer for our first project together nevertheless their also another fashion designer already present there. There is also another reason and that is, Its our honeymoon, yay !! Wait am I the only one thinking this is our honeymoon, surely not right ? Well, anyways as of the moment we are about to land soon in a while and beside me is my love, soundly sleeping on her business class seat, she turned her seat into a bed as the seats are large. Perks of being in a business class in an aeroplane as the Business Class cabin has a number of complimentary services and amenities, such as high-quality food and drink, larger and more comfortable seating, a personal workspace, travel kits and more.

  While I am checking my schedules for upcoming board meeting which was sent by Mr. Kwon who is behind us. This company's branch is run by Mr. Park Sunghoon, he is the appointed branch manager of this branch by the board directors of our company, previously he was also a Model than he decided to get into business administration.  I am curious to see this work as the head  and we are acquaintance from the past when he first came into our company, with his brilliant work skills, my father decided to transfer him here because he is loyal and trustable, that's what my Father say. Lets see when I get there for myself. 

Soon we landed on the land of  Bordeaux, France. The air here is crisp, cold wind blowing past us but the winds are fairly calm this time of the year. Its winter here, thank god we wore thick clothes before coming here. We went out of the airport, on our way to find our receiver who came to fetch us from our company.  Just as we were looking around, Mr. kwon came with someone, looks like he is the person who came to fetch us.

"Greetings Mr. Yang & Mrs. Yang , Myself Park Sunghoon branch manager of your branch here in bordeaux. Welcome to Bordeaux, I hope your stay here will be pleasent for both your business and personal life." Sunghoon formally said while bowing his head in respect. I am kinda impressed by his professionalism. Good work, Mr. park! I hope your work here is also satisfactory. 

" Nice to meet you too, Mr. Park." Me and Jia greeted gim in sync formally. "Thank you for your kind words and I will be looking forward to your work here. Can you please take to our assigned accommodation here for time being then we can head off to the company." I continued later on. 

" As you say Mr. Yang, please this way. We will go to your accommodation and then I will lead you to the branch." Sunghoon said to me while leading the way to the car parked infront of us. We all sat inside Mercedes-AMG GT. Woah, its quite comfortable, soon the engine roared to life and we were soon on our way to our new home temporary. 

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