12 : After party

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Nishimura Riki's Pov 

Its the reception currently subsequent to the boutique throwing ceremony in which surprisingly, I was the one who the flowers instead. Am I really to be the one who is about to get married next after my best friends. Honestly I don't believe in such things but it doesn't harm in any way so, I guess, no problem. 

Its evening, the sky is painted in hues of pink and orange as the sun sets behind the horizon. The air is cool and light, and there is a gentle breeze blowing, rustling through the leaves and creating a soothing a sound. The atmosphere now is peaceful, serene and calming the soft tune plays in the background. 

As Everyone is waiting foe the newly wedded couple to come and grace us with their presence. The guest are relaxing in this calm atmosphere with wines in their hands and Music band doing their job by playing numerous songs on the other hand all the catering staff are filling the containers for the buffet which will be happening later on. 

The disco stage has been set up and the disco lights are installed everywhere. Yep, everything has been done, I can finally relax now, its the last for the day anyway. I promised my besties that I will plane their wedding and their after party and I am fulfilling that now. Actually, I am feeling mixed emotions right now. On one side, I am feeling happy for my best friends but on the other side, I am feeling hurt that I am not the one, Jia got married too when I should be happy that she married Jungwon rather than any stranger. 

I can't even feel disappointed in this situation, it would be selfish of me to think like that. Why Human emotions are so complicated, God ! When I saw Jia in that Wedding dress, I was awestricken at her surreal form. She was literally glowing and she was looking so happy, Jungwon too. And for once, I had a thought that, what would have happen if I was in Won place instead, marrying her. 

Unrequited love really hurts, people but we must learn to let go to see our loved ones happy with their other half's.  I have been in love with Jia since High school, I wanted to confess so many times before but at the thought that our friendship might be ruined if I do so held me back every time. I am regretting it but at the same time I am relieved that I didn't confess because now that we have grown up, I can see that she deeply Loves Jungwon instead. Now I thought that even if i had confessed back then, would it change anything ? I only be happy with thought of being her best friend.   

She wasn't mine to begin with so, I have no say in this matter. I can only love her silently. I never thought I'd feel this way, When I saw her for the first time, her smile, her eyes, her voice, her style. They all captured my heart and mind, I don't know how to tell her this But I think she should know the truth. She is the reason why I'm happy, she is the one who makes me feel alive. I want to be with her forever And share every moment of our lives. She is the best thing that ever happened to me, She is the person I love the most So please don't be afraid of my confession  And don't think that I'm too bold. I just want her to know how I feel And hope that she feel the same way too. 

But I guess it will not happen, not in this lifetime. Maybe I am unlucky in love this time. I love her with a passion but I cannot say a word, I fear I might lose her friendship If I reveals my true feelings. I see her with another and my heart breaks into pieces. I wish, I could be the one to make her smile and laugh. I let her go with a sigh And hides my pain behind a mask. I want her to be happy Even if it means I suffer. I loves her silently But I knows it is unrequited, I hope she will find peace And I will find courage. 

I thought while looking at the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my eyes ascending the stairs of the centre podium along with Wonnie, both intertwining their arms together, laughing and giggling. Such a perfect couple for a sore eyesight, I morphed my gloomy face into a happy one and marched towards them to continue the ceremony which I will be hosting by the way.  Way to give more pain to your already broken heart Nishimura Riki..  

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