25 : Living In The Mist

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Third person's pov

Niki's back is slumped against the hospital walls, his head barely hanging up, his slight sniffling can be heard through out the eerie hallway. People passing by are throwing pitiful glances on him who is in utter grief, his heart feeling heavy while waiting for his family and friends to come.

His dejected figure infront of the OT flinched when a figure came and slightly touched his shoulder, he looked up to see one of the doctors looking at him with a feeling akin to helplessness. His dishevelled self decided to gather some courage and with tears still falling from his red eyes, he barely asked the doctor yet the response he longed to hear never came.

"I'm sorry to say Mr. Nishimura but Mr. Yang was severely injured and lose blood, having internal bleeding even though he is barely stable now he went into a short term Coma. It's a relief that he was not injured near his heart or else it would have been a big problem in saving him.And we can't detect when he might wake up.We have put him and Mrs. Yang in the same observation ward, incase of emergency." Doctor explained Jungwon's condition with a heavy heart.

"A-and w-hat about Jia, Doc ?How is her condition ?" Niki asked in hopes that atleast his other dear one is safe and sound. He can't explain what he might do if Jia is in somehow in the same condition as Jungwon. He never thought a day will come when he had to stand in the hospital praying for his best friends to regain consciousness that desperately nor he imagined he will witness their heart breaking apart. He being is devastated and further the doctor told him about Jia, his already broken heart once again broke.

" She is not conscious yet, She was emotionally exhausted and the accident of Mr. Yang left a big impact on her, she went into a state of shock. Everything took a toll on her, It might takes her days to wake up, we have put her in a observation room for the next 24 hours. If she showed even a slight change in her body of waking up, we will shift her to normal ward, after checking up on her. They both were shifted to room no.311."

" Doc, can I go to them ?" Niki legitimately pleaded in hopes to atleast see them and stay within their Rader to find some lost peace for a fleeting moment. The doctor just nodded and went off his way to fill check on other patients.

Niki sprinted across the hallway, eagerness getting the best of him, soon he reached and stood in front of the room no. 311, taking a deep breath, his self trembling he twisted the door knob, a creak sound echoing the the door opened revealing a dimly lit room, cold and sterile and there lays two unconsciousness figures of his loved ones, side by side.

When he stepped inside the ever so silent room, bile rushed up to his throat feeling nauseous at the sight before him. He withered at the sight of Jungwon's body being connected to numerous wires, his head bandaged yet still splatter of dry blood on it, his heart beating slow paced while his and Jia's body looked like all the blood has drained out of their body.

There is not a ounce of liveliness in there faces, no movement just two almost lifeless bodies laying on the hospital bed, their breathing uneven sometimes. He went and sat in between both of their beds and reached out to their pale and cold hands, grasping them in his warm ones wanting to share his warmth with his two best friends even if just a little bit. Niki closed his eyes, taking deep breaths while his body tense body finally relaxing a bit, he felt a little eased, his worries disappearing only one thing in his mind, hoping for them to wake up soon. Nothing more, nothing less, he doesn't want to think about anything, his mind blank because if he started thinking, he might go deranged.

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