chapter 23 is it really over?

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It had been three days of all battle no sleep and no food. It was almost over and we were winning. We outnumbered them by thousands. Detrius. I had lost him somewhere on the field. I was worried about him. I bet he felt the same as I did. Right now I am battling seven wolves. I'm not alone though. I found Caine along the way and so he has been helping out with the wolves. Its like when your battling them they come in waves. We finished off the seven of them and then started running into the heart of it all. There were alpha who were winning every battle they found. Caine and I had agreed on taking them down. This was our chance. There was an opening in the mix of battle. We ran through and lunged ourselves at the alphas. They weren't as strong as we thought they were going to be. I was on the female and he had the male. They had a lot of armour on and so it made it harder to stab at them. I found a spot between the metal plates where I could stab her neck. I used my sword and stabbed into her neck. I sliced across the top of her neck and broke the strap. The head plate went flying. I ripped my sword from her neck and went to stab into her head when a stray arrow came flying, hit my sword, and knocked it out of my hands. I saw someone with a bow and arrows facing the other way. I scowled at them and then held on to the wolf while I tried to get a hold of my dagger. Once I got it out of its sheath I tried to stab it into the alphas head. I looked over and looked for Caine. I couldn't see him and the alpha was killing our other soldiers. I couldn't think about that now. I tried again. I stabbed into the wolfs head. It didn't give up yet. I ripped it out and stabbed it in again. This time it slowed down. I stabbed it again and again until it finally fell. There was still the male to deal with. I got off of the females body and grabbed my sword, another dagger, and a bunch of knives. I knew that the male would be harder to kill so I needed extra weapons. I snuck up behind it and jumped on. I was holding on to the fur on its back. There was someone else on top of its back. Caine! He was ok. I decided to let him deal with that. I jumped off. When I jumped I landed wrong and fell. The wolf stepped back and ended up stepping on me. I screamed. It probably crushed all my ribs. The alpha and about twenty other wolves were all that was left. It wouldn't get off of me. I grabbed my dagger and sliced the tendon on the back of its leg. It fell over and gave Caine the chance to kill him, and me the chance to get up. I tried to stand but I couldnt. It had crushed my ribs and possibly some other bones. I was struggling to breath.I could just see past the alpha and I watched the last wolf fall. There were victory cries. I heard a lot of people calling for their friends and family. I couldn't hear Detrius. I got really worried. It hurt so much but I got up anyways. I took a deep breath and it fixed my ribs for now. I could breath again. I walked around looking for him. Everyone went inside except for me. I couldn't see him anywhere. There were wolves on top of people and I kept lifting them to see if he was there. I looked under every wolf possible. Nothing. I walked around for an hour full of heavy breathing and pain just to look for him. I didn't see his body anywhere. I went inside and walked back to detrius' room. The door was open. I didn't know who I would find but I had to look. I opened the door. "Detrius?" I said just standing in the open door way. I heard a stumble in the bathroom. "NIKI!" I heard him yell. He ran out and before hugged me he made sure it was Ok. "Ya know ribs are broken but I'm still going to hug you." I hugged him to me even though it hurt. It felt so good to know that he was still alive and to know I was still alive to see him.

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