chapter 22 the mas war

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We arrived about a week after. Since we had packed food for on the way and we flew all night and all day we got there really fast. As we flew over we could see fires and bombed spots. "Detrius oh my god. This is bad." I said. We were going to defend the castle and the arena. We flew down and landed on the roof. No one was up there so we ran down the stair well and into the weapons room. I checked for my guns. They were gone. I checked for the tiger. Hercules had it. I grabbed as many throwing knives as I could fit in my knife belt. I sheathed my sword and put on protective gear. Detrius did the same. We brought out the armour for razcar so that he could fight too. He flew down and we went through the building. "Niki by the way try to stay with me Ok. In not loosing you." He said. "Ok I'll try." I said. "Wait Detrius." I said. before he could go I pulled him over to me and I pulled his head down and I kissed him. Just in case I didn't get the chance again. He smiled against my lips and it made me smile. "I love you." "I love you too." We hugged one last time and then headed down the hall. All the action was outside. We found the main door. We exchanged looks and then opened the door. There were wolves every where. We ran out and waited to see if they came after us. Soon two wolves came up in front of me and two were in front of Detrius. We had to separate to fight. I touched his hand and then we went separate ways. The two wolves had me circled. I went after the first one and it fought back hard. The other one came up behind me and started ripping at my back with its claws. I could just reach my sword so I pulled it out and stabbed it into its head. It fell on me and the other wolf pushed it off to see if I was dead. I layed there and held my breath. It turned around and then I jumped on its back. I stabbed two throwing knives into its eyes and then I took my dagger and shoved it into its head. I pulled it out and went after the one that Detrius could get off of himself. I ran at it and threw the dagger into its head. Detrius pushed it off and ran to me. "You good?" He asked. "I'll be fine for now!" I answered. We waited for the next ones. Thinking about it, it was like awaiting my dead you just didn't know which battle would be the end. It was scary for me but Detrius had no fear. I'm not saying I like battles when I say that I find invigorating and exciting when I fight. It had been about two minutes until the next wolves found us. Alright here we go again.

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