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A lone and relatively small Nightcrawler minion finds themselves a new place of refuge within the rest of it's species.

I won't lie when I say I'm currently unmotivated to do the requested ships and the recent chapters are just a bypass to continue updating without the use of overdue requests. I don't know when they'll be done, but please don't assume they'll never be done and lose all hope in this book.

Unlike the rest of the facility and it's thunderous noise almost constantly exciting both parties, the grass caves were a relatively nice place to stay dormant. Sure it was infested with tall trees and vines that stretched along the walls and Figs and Plantix's only encouraging the growth, but they never did much more then that, they barely ever had time to greet or even pay any attention to any gootraxians or humans that would just welcome themselves inside. Most people would rather not take advantage of their temporary peacefulness. If there were any violence whatsoever neither species of gootraxians would waste any time in chasing out the source and blacklisting them from ever entering the area again, that was most likely why it was so peaceful in the first place, while they didn't seem to mind whoever would come inside they were very good at managing who did.

Most people would just come and go but one Nightcrawler in particular made himself at home, discovering a miniature cave inside of the already colossus one and bringing whatever items could prove useful when it came to making his place of residence decorative and livable. He'd leave the cave every outage or when the lights were still on, never daring to go out during blackouts due to his questionable fear of the dark in search of anything he could add, even he they didn't need it. Blankets, pillows, artifacts he found unknown, and anything they found of interest lying around. He'd even go as far as snatching various items out of humans pockets or hazmat's, most of them being access keys and useless weapons he didn't find useful despite being able to hold a decent grip on them. It was great, life was great, and he didn't ever plan to change his daily routine or outlook on it.

He awoke from his lengthy slumber, deciding to sleep away a recent power outage out of exhaustion and a need for rest. This didn't bother him however, he did have all of the time in the world. He yawned and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes whilst gazing upon his shelter with pride. It was just like the grass cave just outside except the grass was littered with blankets and pillows in the form of a nest and a bunch of items he had picked up from last time's heist. He'd usually organize each of them in the corner but when he came back from the mission he instantly fell face first into his bed and fell asleep. He wasn't to worried about that either, he wasn't out for long and it caused him to come back with barely any pieces at all, it wouldn't take very long to arrange them whenever he decided he wanted to, which wasn't right now. There were a few christmas lights lined up on the ground against the wall since he couldn't find a spot to hang them and it provided a decent amount of light, enough for his worries of the darkness to completely fade away with the light that'd disappear during a blackout. Speaking of blackout's. The lights on the walls began to flicker rapidly which instantly snapped the lizard out of his morning daze and put him into a fit of worry. It couldn't be right? There's no way he slept through out the entire time the power had been on to the point a blackout was just on the brink of starting. He blinked his small black irises, hoping that it was just his eyes messing with him, he had just woken up after all. It seemed to have worked to. After he did so the lights had completely gone out, peaking his anxiety as his purple markings were the only thing providing light to the room. Eventually they came back on, the flickering having completely subsided.

The Nightcrawler continued staring at them nonetheless. He was now standing up, muscles tensed and his back arched up like an angry kitten. He was obviously cautious while most Nightcrawlers would be anticipating for a blackout to start so they could reveal themselves from wherever they were hiding. But he wasn't like other Nightcrawlers, let alone other minion Nightcrawlers. If anything he was more like a leading one, the only few of their species wearing a pair of goggles with three lenses. Minions saw them as a more superior version of themselves and (most of them) willingly devoted their lives into serving them or looking up to them. While he didn't have any subjects that did anything he commanded, he did prove that he could survive without the use of them which leading Nightcrawlers couldn't seem to do. Of course, living in the grass cave and skipping out on every blackout, he's never met or confronted any other Nightcrawler's then the parents that birthed him which he had separated from long ago. He assumed he was the last of his species despite the fact he never took the time to investigate if he really was or not. The thought seemed to settle him as he slowly started to lower back into the comfort of his blanket, his eyes remaining on the lights that were beginning to be blocked by the nest he was now laying in. The moment he laid down completely he grabbed a pillow he had likely kicked to the side in his sleep and curled around it. It was a lot larger than him, so large it was like an entirely different person had joined him in bed. He didn't want to admit he did this because he was deprived of physical contact. Nightcrawler minions usually depended on one another for comfort. Sometimes he wished he wasn't so lonely, he wouldn't have to use a pillow for his need of touch.

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