⁅««Closing Time»»⁆

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Sprinklekit x Mochi

I have nothing to say

After a long excruciating day of feeding goos that can't feed themselves and sitting through constant and never ending complaining, it was time for the cafeteria to close. Fricking finally. Sprinklekit finished up throwing the trays into a random pile on the shelf, making sure they were nice and clean for the waves she'd have to endure tomorrow. She would sometimes consider why she had taken up such a job in the first place, her role was the most important in the facility now and she wasn't sure how to maintain it. She sighed and scrubbed down the last of the trays. It had taken her at least a few hours since she isn't able to use water, she wondered why Mochi couldn't wash them. Actually... Where is Mochi? She set it down and began her very short search for the dragon, quickly pausing it when she tripped over something and landed face first on the ground. She groaned in annoyance, hoping it wasn't another slimepup that had snuck into the staff rooms. She turned around and saw none other than Mochi them self, napping on the ground and using their abnormally long and fluffy tail as a pillow.

If only she was able to be this comfortable during work hours. She scoffed, knowing Mochi was laying here all day to get away from work. She lifted her self from the ground and smacked them on the back of the head, instantly waking them.

"Mochi what the hell?! Why didn't you help me today?!" She scolded, hitting them a few more times before she knew they were fully awake.

"Stop it!" They yowled. They turned to lay onto their back and wrapped their wings around them, trying to block out Sprinklekit's constant bickering.

"We only get such little hours a day to sleep Sprinkle... I'm tired!" Mochi whined. Sprinklekit scoffed. No matter how many times they'd complain about the lack of time they had away from work, she still believed it was balanced just because it hadn't effected her. Probably because of that powder she's been taking...

"Come on Mochi, be real! You get more then enough time to sleep and hang out with your friends!" Mochi just growled at this. They'd hear this time and time again, it's just gotten annoying at this point. Sprinklekit, determined to convince them otherwise, came up with an idea.

"Why don't I prove it to you?" She said. Mochi slowly perked up, looking down at her in confusion.

"This is new..." They'd comment. They were still fully interested in this sudden idea though, so Sprinklekit went on.

"Rather then staying here and finishing all of out chores tonight, we can just go to bed right now. That way I can prove you wrong." She proposed. Mochi wasn't a very big fan of these things, but if it meant they got a few extra hours of resting time they were more then happy to agree. They smiled cheerfully.


And so Sprinklekit regretfully followed Mochi into the freezer area where they would sleep, knowing there was so much to do they couldn't even fall asleep. She repeatedly got up from her spot and going back to the cafeteria to make sure everything was perfect for tomorrow, Mochi having to get up from their own space to drag them back. This went on for an excruciatingly long time before Mochi built up the courage to tie Sprinklekit to her bed, a decision the both of them would wish never came to either of their minds.

"Damnit Mochi. When are you going to untie me huh?" She'd ask, trying her hardest to escape the clutches of the ropes and continue procrastinating. They sighed and sat up to glare at her.

"Never, maybe in the morning if I feel like it." They'd growl before turning the other direction and throwing a blanket over their head. Sprinklekit didn't have one since the cold embrace of the freezer was enough to shelter them. The only one they had was tucked under them.

"You can't leave me here forever! There's still so much to be done!" She'd protest before going down a list of things that still needed to be taken care of before they went to sleep, making it impossible for Mochi to get any. It was driving them insane. But they kept their cool, taking a deep breath before responding back to Sprinklekit.

"Watch me. Now shut up before I tape your mouth closed." They said with a stern tone, one Sprinklekit hadn't seen used it such a long time. She dramatically turned away.

"Fine, then I'll just keep on screaming till you do." She said. Mochi's fur stood at it's end.

"That wasn't the deal!" They shouted. But she didn't listen, she just started wailing her head off. Mochi couldn't really take this anymore, they were so sure they had tried everything to get her to pipe down but none of them worked. They wanted to tape her mouth shut but she'd probably find a way around that to. Miserable and desperate for sleep, they did the only other thing they knew how to do. Comforting. They slowly left their side of the room and climbed onto the shelf Sprinklekit resided in. She was so busy screaming that she didn't notice them move. Mochi took this to their advantage, catching the feline by surprise when they flopped down beside them and hugged them from behind. She squeaked and tried to turn around, but they held a firm grip on them.

"Mochi? What are you doing?!" She asked. They didn't respond, not wanting to bicker back and fourth with her anymore. They just nuzzled their head into the crook of their neck and wrapped their tail around them. Sprinklekit began to slowly understand their reason for the sudden move and quiet down, feeling a bit bad for getting so loud in the first place. Mochi wrapped their wings around her and sighed with relief, glad that the constant noise had finally came to a stop. They took advantage of the peace and fell asleep cuddling them. Sprinklekit still found themselves unable to.

Mainly because she was being squished by a giant dragon and tightly tied in rope. 

Diffidently one of my favorite ones. I haven't said that in a while. 😭

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