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Panther x Nuclear Goofster

Blud really thought they were going to get a double post 😭

Nuclear growled as the blackout ended, usually he'd be a bit content about it but due to him running into a casual idiot he missed his chance to do anything truly useful. That idiot being Panther who purposefully came to find him to ruin his hunt. These two were constantly at one another's throats. It all started when they first met actually, the both of them instantly got to making fun of each other and it destroyed any chances of them having a stable or friendly relationship. They do this all the time. Nuclear a few Blackouts ago snatched a deceased slimepup right from the felines jaws and ate it in front of him, this was just Panther's get back.

"You bastard!" Nuclear scowled, shoving him into the nearest crystal. He only grinned with amusement. For once he was actually happy that a blackout ended early due to no Nightcrawler supporting the rest of the gootraxians in keeping the power out, Nuclear is surprisingly fast and his thought out plan wouldn't have worked if he kept on running circles around him the way he was.

"Ya snooze you lose." He pushed him self off of the crystal and teasingly flicked his tongue at the already fuming rabbit.

"Don't get all ballsy now! You've wasted my time and yours!" He hissed. Nuclear was beginning to wish he could explode on demand and obliterate Panther without any trace, but of course it just had to happen randomly or whenever he got to upset. A ticking time bomb he hoped would tick faster. Panther didn't want to admit it but it was true. He had gone out of his way to ruin Nuclear's blackout when he could've been out hunting slimepups, now he was likely going to starve until the next one. Kaiju had already told him the idea was stupid when he first explained it to him. The thought of having to tell Kaiju he was right about something forced him to try and retaliate to the comment.

"What's wrong? Looks like you've seen a ghost." Nuclear teased, his confident demeanor quickly returning to him at the sight of Panther going dark. The other would just gnash his teeth at him with a snarl.

"Shut up booger bitch."

"Whatever flat nostrils." Panther rolled his eyes and Nuclear flicked his ear annoyingly while crossing his arms. They sat in an uncomfortable silence. Neither of them wanted to say it but they really had nothing else to do. Nuclear didn't want to return to the library with his nuisance of a brother and Panther gagged at the thought of encountering Carneline on his way to his den. Both were already upset enough. They then thought that the few insults that they threw at each other were rather entertaining, so why the hell not.

"Long ears." Panther blurted, chuckling to him self at the look on the rabbits face.

"At least their capable of something, UNLIKE yours." He retorted as he gently stroked them. Panther instead of just shouting another empty insult took that to offense.

"Hey.. My ears are 'capable' of tons thank you very much." He said, almost in a pout. Nuclear almost fell on the floor laughing his lungs out. He's, well... a rabbit and ears that short are kind of abnormal to him. He didn't mean what he said before as a complete insult, he genuinely thought those ears were incapable of hearing much if anything at all.

 All of a sudden a knife, barely missing Panther, flew between the duos line of view and hit a crystal near by. It shined with a hint of electric power and the both of them knew what was going to happen and reacted quickly, Panther leaping behind a convenient wall growing within the caverns ground and Nuclear simply stepping away from it. The crystal like all others when hit exploded with a loud bang, a louder one then Nuclear had expected. Despite it being a short one, Panther jumped from behind his cover and watched as a human nervously slinked back into the barrier, embarrassed that the presumed knife they threw hadn't hit either of them. He sighed, wondering if that was his last opportunity to catch a meal before the next blackout. He looked back towards where the rabbit was once standing, curious as to his current whereabouts. Not worried, curious.

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