in his arms ( i can sleep )

60 1 0

Pairing: platonic! Logan & Remy

Word Count: 216

TWS: none

Logan is a very serious man, obviously - he wears a necktie. Which is why he's awake at 1 am in the morning playing Tetris. He should probably get to sleep, but the idea of sleeping hurts too much too even potentially to play around with the idea. Which is how he ended up in this predicament, not that he's complaining, he's loved Tetris ever since Thomas was a little kid, it's always been a source of escape for him. As he gets to the end of this round he hears a little knock, getting up from his bed and crossing the room he sees Remy standing there.

"Babes as much as I love you, you need to get to fucking sleep," he says taking a sip from his water

"Ah apologies"

Remy grabs Logan's hand and pulls him to the bed, setting his cup down on the table and plugging in his computer. As they put their glasses on the nightstand Logan and Remy hold each other close listening to their synchronized breathing, Remy rubs Logan's arms enjoying the feeling of the soft satin and Logan makes a pleased noise from the back of his throat. As the boys drift off to sleep in each other's arms they both realize there's nowhere else they'd rather be.

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