is that the kinda way to face the burning heat?

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Pairing: Familial!Thomas&Emile , Babysitter!Roman&Kid!Thomas

Word Count: 889

TWS: anxiety

"Have a good day at work dad" Thomas giggled from across the house

"Thank you Thomas" Emile chuckled grabbing his satchel

"Au Revoir Dr. Picani" sang Roman

"Thomas where are youuuu" Roman belted walking around Dr. Picani's house, he was only 3 hours into babysitting Thomas and he'd already lost him

"Thomas this isn't funny where'd you go" Roman called out anxiously, starting to panic. He had just been trying to put Thomas down for a nap - lord knows the kid needed one - when he had ran and hid.

"Cursed rich people and their big houses" grumbled Roman.

Quickly Roman saw a flash of red from the corner of his eye outside.

Running outside he saw Thomas trying to cross the road to pet a dog that was on the other side - unfortunately, a car was rapidly approaching and he definitely would not make it in time

"THOMAS DO NOT MOVE" Roman yelled watching as the young boy paused what he was doing out of shock, moving quickly Roman swooped in and grabbed Thomas.

Panting Roman sat on the grass holding Thomas close to him

"You gave me quite the scare there little prince"

Looking up at him with tearful eyes Thomas started crying

"M sorry" he sniffled "just wanted to see the puppy"

shushing Thomas gently Roman rubbed his back

"I know little prince but that was very dangerous you could've gotten very hurt"

"Won't do it ever again", Thomas said jutting out his lip and nodding

"Good, now why don't we go inside and get some juice, all that worrying made me parched"

"Can we watch Aladin?"

"Would I ever say no to Disney"

Shaking his head Thomas got up and ran inside, following closely behind him Roman smiled, he was just glad that the fiasco was over.

Watching movies with a child with severe ADHD was most definitely an experience, on one hand, Roman was just glad he could match his energy, but on the other, he was a bit annoyed with the number of questions Thomas was asking about the movie, Roman had just defaulted to answering with "I don't know" or "watch and find out", no matter how many times Thomas has watched the movie he always asks the same questions, and they usually went something like

"Ro why do the guards hate Aladin so much"

"Thomas you know the answer to that"

"But why"

"Drink your juice"


This was always Roman's favorite part of the night, the quieting down caused by Thomas's sleepiness, the soft noises from the lack of cars on the road, the gentle nudges of Thomas's head as he tried not to fall asleep on Roman's shoulder.

"You tired little prince?"

"Uh uh"

"You sure?"


"Well, I guess your stuffies will just have to sleep with me tonight then"


"Sorry kid, but if you're not sleeping they don't get cuddles, I don't make the rules, I just follow them"

Sitting up Thomas groggily trudged upstairs and got into bed, Roman was secretly glad he made Thomas get ready for bed early, he did not want to deal with a sleepy Thomas trying to get out of brushing his teeth

"Story?" Thomas yawned lying down with Benjamin

"Of course, any requests?"

"About you n Re?"

Nodding Roman dived into the story

"Once upon a time there was a Prince and a Duke, they were twin brothers, born together and destined to die together, until one of them broke that destiny - the Prince, see he had fallen in love with a Commoner from another kingdom, the Duke was angry, of course, he was and he had every right to be, the person he thought he'd die with betrayed him. And so they split, never to speak again. The Prince of course had made the mistake of falling in love multiple times after the instance with the Commoner, but then, he met a new Commoner, little Thomas, who looked at him not as a Prince, but as a friend. The Prince apologized to his brother for leaving, for the years of ignoring his messages in favor of playing with a new Commoner's feelings, the Duke forgave him and the two lived in harmony once more, their destinies sealed once again."

Looking over at Thomas, Roman smiled, the little guy was fast asleep, his face in peaceful bliss. Getting up Roman quietly left the room, opting to sitting on the couch to wait for Dr. Picani when suddenly he gets a text message

Dr. Picani: hey sorry Roman I might be a bit late, do you mind spending the night with Thomas? I'll pay extra, of course, some things went down with a patient of mines family and I won't make it home

Me: No problemo Dr. Picani :) I'd love to spend more time with the little guy!

Yawning Roman plugged in his phone and laid down, this was his least favorite part of the job, he didn't enjoy feeling like an intruder but a Prince's work is never done. Closing his eyes Roman drifted off into a smooth sleep, only interrupted by the sound of Dr. Picani's car in the driveway. He heard him come through the door, yawn, and go upstairs, mumbling as he did so. Roman drifted back off into slumberland, this time not waking up until morning. 

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