i love my friends, they make me feel alive again

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Pairing: VirgilxLogan , JanusxPatton , Familial!Roman&Remus

Word Count: 705

TWS: none

Patton cried curling in on himself, he did so much for everyone and all he asked for it was that they remember his birthday, especially since he's been bringing it up all week, but alas, they forgot, he can't blame them, it's not like it's that important, he has one every year, but still it hurts a lot. Sniffling he wipes the tears falling from his eyes and hugs his Kermit stuffie

"At least you remember my birthday, right Kermit?" Patton giggles wetly shaking and shoving his face into Kermit. Wiping his nose with the sleeve of his sweater Patton rolls onto his back and closes his eyes.

When 7:30 rolls around Patton is awoken by the sound of knocking. Slowly awakening he makes a noise that was supposed to sound like mhm but sounded more like a donkey dying than anything. Stumbling he gets up and goes to the door, only to find Janus standing there in pajamas looking incredibly bored already

"Hello Patton I do not wish for you to come with me to the living room"

Tilting his head he followed Janus down the hall into the living room where the sides had set up a fort, the words 'Happy Birthday Patton' draped along the outside. Starring Patton's mouth was agape

"Oh good you're here" Roman cheers clapping his hands giddily

"I did it for your birthday, do you like it?" Roman exclaimed stars in his eyes

"I... you...you remembered?" Patton questioned, tears slowly falling from his eyes

"Of course, we remembered Patton" Logan responded walking from the kitchen with some waters

"Yeah pops we couldn't have forgotten even if we wanted to, Princey wouldn't shut up about how you were gonna love your gift," Virgil said popping his head into the living room while also trying to get Remus to stop trying to drink bleach.

"Yes yes all fascinating stuff, can we please start the party now" Janus replied rolling his eyes

"Remus truth or dare"

"OOO Dare but gimme a good one like eating all of Romans' shirts"


"Well now I'm going to just to spite you Princey"


Giggling at the antics of the others Patton turned to see how Janus and Logan were reacting to all of this, Logan was rubbing his temples while also trying to stop the other three from killing each other and Janus was well, he was watching him, blushing Patton looked away and started picking at his nails.

Patton was exhausted, and rightfully so, so far Roman and Remus had put on a two-man version of Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, and Wicked, Virgil had a panic attack, then left, Logan going with him to take care of him (which elicit some ooh's from Roman and a "Use Protection" from Remus), Remus had eaten 3 of Roman's deodorants which made Roman angry and refuse to sleep in the same room as Remus, who then proceeded to eat another one of Roman's deodorants, which made him leave and then Remus followed him. Now it's just him and Janus sitting in comfortable silence. Yawning Patton rubbed his eyes

"It's definitely not 11:46 and we definitely shouldn't get some sleep because we don't have things to do tomorrow," Janus says getting up to leave

"Stay with me? Please?" Patton whispers fiddling with his hands

Janus looks around as if he was looking to see if Patton was talking to someone else. Nodding slowly Janus lies down next to Patton, sighing happily Patton cuddled into Janus and put his head on his chest, blushing Janus didn't dare move, disturbing Patton was the last thing he wanted to do.

"Did you get the photo"

"Shut up be quiet"

"You be quiet"

"No, you"

"I am quiet you aren't"

"Yes I am"

"Shhhh he's awake"

Janus glared at the twins

"If you wake him up I will not make your life a living hell do you hear me?"

Giggling the twins nodded and scurried away, most likely to show Virgil and Logan the photos they had taken of him and Patton.

Sighing Janus just cuddled into Patton again, if they wanted a show he was going to give them one.

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