we don't really like what you do

23 1 0

Pairing: Logan&Janus ( could be seen as romantic or platonic )

Word Count: 592

TWS: panic attack

 Logan was used to being different, from a young age he'd always been seen as an outsider, he was different from his peers. He had to wear headphones, he wore skirts instead of pants, he ate special food and all he'd talk about if given the chance was space. It'd never bothered him before though, he was perfectly fine on his own. That was until Janus came along. Janus was different then the other kids, which is why the two hit it off so well, Janus had vitiligo and heterochromia which led to bullying more often than not. Janus was sassy, sarcastic, and brutal.

Logan loved him.

"Eat your food Logan," Janus said

"Hm? Oh right" Logan replied, mouth full of sandwich.

"You're so lucky I'm your friend or you'd never eat" Janus exclaimed, picking at his own sandwich

"I am very lucky to have you I agree"

Blushing Janus turned his attention back to his sandwich

"Janus gloves" Logan reminded

"Ah, right" Janus mumbled eyebrows furrowing in concentration

"I guess you're lucky to have me too"

"I was going to take my gloves off eventually!" Janus remarked

"I do not think so" Logan smirked

Grumbling Janus took a bite of his sandwich.

The two ate the rest of their lunch in peace, basking in each other's comforting presence.

Logan hated P.E. he found it unnecessary and obnoxious, but worst of all, he found it incredibly overstimulating, the teacher was frankly an asshole who didn't care to read Logan's 504 or he'd know that Logan did not do contact with others (besides his parents and Janus) and he got overstimulated very easily. This was one of those moments where he could not move, people were swarming him on either side, their bodies too close to his, the smell of sweat overwhelming his senses, he was utterly screwed. Breathing heavily Logan slowly slid to the ground attempting to recover his breathing

'Inhaleexhaleinexhaleinexhale' Logan repeated in his head.

With shaky legs and labored breathing Logan ran out of the gym and into the bathroom.

It was a while before he felt safe enough to leave the bathroom, but by then it was already too late, word had spread around quickly of Logan's speedy escape, making people stare and whisper at him as he walked down the hallway. Rushing Logan ran to the place he and Janus eat lunch, a stairwell in the back of the school. Sitting down Logan sighed in relief and sat down, he had a free period and so did Janus. Wrapping his arms around his knees Logan started to shake, he was so so overwhelmed. Rocking back and forth Logan pulled out his phone to message Janus

L: Will you be here soon? Nonverbal.

J: Yes, on my way now.

Dropping his head into his hands Logan waited for Janus.

"I'm so sorry I'm late Mr. Sanders pulled me behind after class to discuss my grade because I totally care about that," Janus said panting.

Looking up Logan just nodded reaching out for Janus.

Sitting down Janus pulled Logan into his arms and held him tight.

"Do you want me to talk or do you want quiet?" Janus whispered

Glancing away Logan held up two fingers

"That's fine," Janus said gently holding Logan's cheek with his hand and rubbing it.

Logan closed his eyes and he drifted off, the sound of Janus's soft breathing serving as a lullaby. Janus watched him sleep, knowing that even if it was just for a little bit Logan was finally getting a break.

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