she looks just like a dream

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Pairing: qpp!Logan&Roman

Word Count: 344

TWS: none

Logan: Adhd, He/Him pronouns
Roman: Autistic, He/She/It/Sword pronouns

Today was the day, the day that Logan was going to take his partner on a date. He would be lying if he said he wasn't the tiniest bit anxious, he and Roman had been living in the same city for some time, but they hadn't had the time for a proper sit-down. But due to his and his love's sensory issues, they couldn't go to a restaurant. Which is why they opted for the next best thing - a picnic!

As Logan arrived at the park the first thing he noticed was a picnic blanket set down under a tree, well truly the first thing he noticed was the gorgeous person on said blanket, her soft black hair framing his gorgeous face.

Walking toward his love Logan couldn't help but smile, he was so excited to spend the rest of his life with sword.

"LO!!" Roman shouted running toward Logan

"Roman" Logan replies giddily

Holding each other was all they could do at that moment.



"I forgot to bring something"

"What do you mean mi amor?"

"I forgot to bring food for us or a drink or anything"

"No, no, it's my treat Lo" Roman replied holding his lover's face in swords hands.

Nodding Logan followed Roman back to the picnic blanket she had set up with their safe foods, rice for Roman and Yogurt for Logan, it wasn't much but both of them had very stressful weeks that week so it was all they could handle.

As Logan sat up groggily to the sound of his alarm going off, he sighed, he and Roman had fallen asleep after talking about their weeks, their lives, and whatnot. Looking down at his sweetheart he smiled softly, she was gorgeous like this, no worries just bliss. Logan traced swords lips with his finger, moving his hand to the side of its face and slowly moving down to kiss her forehead, smiling softly as he did it. Shuffling Logan sighs softly and lays his head back on Roman's chest, drifting off to a comfortable slumber. 

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