5 times Patton asked Logan about soulmates and the 1 time Logan asked him

41 1 0

Pairing: LoganxPatton

Word Count: 856

TWS: none


Patton rested his forehead on Logan's shoulder and sighed happily. Logan looked down at him with adoration in his eyes.

"Logan?" Patton said looking up

Logan hummed in response running his hands through Patton's soft hair.

"Do you believe in soulmates?"

"Yeah," Logan said smiling, "I do, I truly believe there is someone for everyone"

Patton nodded laying his head on Logan's shoulder

"I do too," Patton said tracing hearts on the back of Logan's hands

"I think," Logan said tilting Patton's chin up to look at him

"That you're my soulmate"

Patton smiled softly leaning up to rest his forehead against Logans'

"I think you're mine too."


"Logan," Patton said again laying on his thighs while Logan watched a show

"Hm?" he hummed in response

"If we were in an alternate universe with soulmates would you still choose me?"

"Patton, I'd choose you every time," Logan said looking down at Patton

"No matter what universe we're in you will always be the one for me"

" oh " Patton whispered softly, his eyes brimming with tears.


"Logan" Patton said wrapping his arms around Logan's waist from behind.

"Yes, my love?" Logan said yawning

"Do you think animals have soulmates?"

"Probably, they might have them in the same way humans do or it might be different, I don't know dear," Logan said smiling softly

"I hope they do," Patton said nuzzling his face into Logan's shoulder

"It'd be sad if they were alone forever"

"Sometimes people and animals alike enjoy being alone," Logan said taking a sip of his tea

"I know but do you think they have friends? No one wants to be alone forever all the time"

"I'm sure they do"

"That's good."


Logan pulled back the covers to get into bed, Patton had been asking him questions about soulmates non-stop, and while Logan adored Patton and all he had to offer, he was frankly quite tired of answering all the questions.

As soon as Logan closed his eyes he heard Patton rollover

"Logan do you think the trees and the dirt are soulmates like the moon and the ocean are?"

"Maybe darling I don't know," Logan said, dramatically throwing his arm over his eyes

Patton hummed "I hope, I'd be sad if the dirt and trees had no one"

"The dirt has the rocks, and the bugs, and the grass, and the trees have each other and the leaves," Logan says matter of factly

Patton smiles leaning over and kissing Logan's nose

"I know you hate my questions but thank you for answering them dear,"

Logan opened one of his eyes

"I don't hate your questions, I merely find them obnoxious to answer as frequently as I have been"

"Oh," Patton says flopping gently on top of Logan's chest

"I'll ask them more sporadically then"

"That would be more helpful thank you"

"No thank you, " Patton says closing his eyes "for answering all my questions and not judging me"

"Anytime my darling, anytime"


"Logan," Patton says crawling into his lap

"Yes, dear?"

"Do you think all soulmates are romantic?"


"How come," Patton says cradling Logan's face in his hands,

"I think everyone deserves to and has someone that loves and cares about them," Logan says kissing Patton's knuckles

"Whether that be familial, platonic, or romantic, everyone has someone"

"Even mean people?"

"Even mean people have someone who will love them despite their flaws."

"I'm glad," Patton says leaning his head on Logan's shoulder

"Me too."


Logan fiddled with the promise ring he was going to gift his boyfriend as he watched Patton feed the ducks. He had been waiting to do this for months now and it was finally time. He was about to psyche himself out, until, Patton looked up at him with a look in his eyes brighter than a thousand suns, the look that Logan wanted in his life forever. Taking a deep breath Logan called out to Patton. Taking him over to a bench in the park Logan rested his hand on Patton's knee.

"Patton, you are my everything, you are the reason I look forward to every day, the reason I wake up happy." Logan inhales "You are the reason I am still alive, you were my first love, and I am so glad it's you who I wake up to every morning, you're the only person who truly understands me." Looking into Patton's soft brown eyes Logan musters up the courage to continue

"I'm so glad you love me, you make me so happy and without you, I don't know what I would do. You are my soulmate, my best friend, and I would be honored if you allowed me to promise you my devotion and love."

As soon as the words left Logan's mouth Patton launched himself forward and kissed him. When he pulled back Logan was bright pink and his mouth was open in a small gasp.

"Yes, yes," Patton said crying not able to get any other words out. Taking the sapphire blue ring Logan slips it onto Patton's awaiting finger as a reminder of the promise he made.

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