now I know I've never been in love before you

25 1 0

Pairing: PattonxJanus

Word Count: 764

TWS: implied abuse ( not by Janus ) passing out & anxiety attacks

Patton hadn't dated since he left him.

Correction, he wouldn't date since him. It was too hard, scary, or whatever other excuse Patton made that day. Eventually, Patton started attending therapy per his friend's requests, it worked, it didn't take away the issues or the PTSD or the sleepless nights, but it worked, Patton was finally ready to get back out into the dating scene. Realistically it was a horrendous idea to let Roman set him up on a blind date but seeing as Patton hadn't dated in years he figured this was the best way to go about it, go on a date with someone Roman promised him was a good guy.

"He's a little blunt and a bit of an asshole but he's a good guy and he's super hot I promise" Roman exclaimed as he told Patton the news of his blind date over the phone

"I... trust you Roman" Patton sighed

"Good now get ready he'll be there to pick you up in 30 minutes" Roman shouted excitedly hanging up the phone.

Sitting on his bed Patton stared off into space, this was his first date since his ex, how was he supposed to act? Even when he was dating him he acted differently, too afraid of messing up or doing things wrong, does this guy like cartoons? What about animals? Is he allergic to anything? Patton grabbed his thighs and took a deep breath, 'no Roman would've told me anything serious' Patton thought to himself attempting to calm his nerves. In his attempt at getting ready, Patton didn't hear the doorbell ring, instead too focused on whether or not he should shave his face. As the doorbell rang a second time Patton jumped out of his skin, feeling the anxiety crawl from the pit of his stomach and into his throat, taking a shaky breath Patton walked to the door, wiping off his clammy hands before opening it. The first thing Patton saw was the prettiest man he's ever seen, he had tan skin with vitiligo around the left eye and going down his left side, he wore a dark outfit and had the softest-looking brown hair he's ever seen, he was short but made up for it with body language. Exhaling sharply Patton felt that familiar feeling, the feeling of a panic attack, and without warning he collapsed to the ground.

Waking up was disorienting to the least, Patton's mind had immediately jumped to the worst possibilities, before he could start overreacting though, his date coughed.

"You suddenly passed out and fell down, I would've asked to come in but alas you were not awake and frankly I thought you were dead," said date proclaimed, examining his gloves.

"Heh sorry, I guess you could say I, fell for you." Patton jokes

"Hilarious." the glove-wearing brunette says sarcastically.

There was a pause, then Patton spoke up

"I'm... Sorry" he apologized starting to tear up, "I just passed out, and you wasted all this time, and I don't even know you're name, and it's all way too much and I should've never agreed to go out on another date" He rambles full blown crying at the point. "Janus, my name is Janus" his date- no Janus said. "And it's okay, I was, worried, to say the least, but a quick message to Roman and a check to your pulses told me that you were okay. And you weren't out that long, 15 minutes at most." Janus smiled softly, moving to sit down next to Patton.

Sniffling Patton looked down at him, "I didn't ruin anything?" "Not at all no." Nodding Patton inhaled and laid his head on Janus's shoulder. "Do you still wanna go on that date?" Patton mumbled into Janus's shirt, "I'd much rather stay here with you" Janus proclaimed.

Janus and Patton never went on that date to a fancy restaurant or a carnival or whatever Roman planned for them to do, instead, they stayed at home and made dinner together in the comfort of Patton's kitchen with Bach playing from Janus's phone. After dinner they both got one annoyed text from Roman along the lines of 'I paid so much for that reservation and this is how you repay me!?' and another nicer text along the lines of 'Did you guys end up liking each other?' They both laughed at that sipping on wine. As Bach switched to Queen, Janus looked into Patton's eyes. "Would you like to dance?" it hung in the air, a question, a commitment, a chance at something new.

"I would love to"

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