but, I couldn't call it then when I saw your face

33 0 0

Pairing: Logan&Patton

Word Count: 371

TWS: none

Contrary to popular belief Patton's love language was not baking - it was gift giving, it was always a casual gift here and there, never anything too extravagant, usually just a new tunic for Roman, or maybe a pair of gloves for Janus, or a sweater for Virgil, he even got Remus things! But he never knew what to get Logan, he was always afraid the stoic side would hate his gifts.

Until now.

Giggling Patton skipped to Logan's room, he had gotten his best friend (one of many!) a solar system night light - a little childish he knows, but he just knew Logan would love it! Rocking back and forth on his heels he knocks on Logan's door.

"Yes, who is it?"

"It's me Patton can I come in?"


Patton claps giddily and opens Logan's door to see him sitting in his rocking chair reading.

"Hello Patton, how may I help you?"

"I have something for you" Patton bounced grinning ear to ear, the gift bag in his hang rustling and moving

"For me?"

"Yes, silly"

Patton handed the indigo bag to Logan

Logan opened it and silently gasped his mouth agape

"I saw it in an ad and it reminded me of you so I had Roman conjure it up."

"I... thank you, Patton," Logan replied softly holding the gift bag close to himself "it means a lot to me"

Patton stood there silent, his heart beating out of his chest.

Then as quick as a rabbit - Logan jumps up and hugs Patton, in a rapid hug, or well, it would have been rapid if Patton hadn't responded quickly and wrapped his arms around Logan's waist trapping the man against his body. They stood there for a few minutes, just holding each other close, not daring to let go for fear of the moment ending.

"Thank you again, Patton, for the amazing gift," Logan says finally in an attempt to break the silence. Patton just smiled and nuzzled the top of Logan's head. Unattaching himself from Logan. He pats Logan's arm and then he's off, probably to go make a cake or some other form of sugary sweets - okay so maybe his other love language is baking, so what? 

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