do you ever have nights like these

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Pairing: Logan&Patton

Word Count: 349

TWS: nongraphic mentions of getting cut with a knife

Patton hated everything right now, he hated his friends, he hated his family, and he was overwhelmed and tired and sick of everything. But unfortunately, duty calls and he has kids to take care of (kids being his 33-year-old friends.) Grabbing the knife to start chopping up the vegetables for the soup he was making his hand accidentally slipped and he ended up cutting himself, not enough to need to go to the doctor but bad enough that it was the straw that broke the camel's back and Patton started crying.

Logan was the only one home that day, the rest of the sides had gone to do whatever they do when they're not home, Logan didn't care to know. He had just settled down with a good book when suddenly he heard Patton start crying. Rushing downstairs he saw Patton holding his hand, blood seeping through his fingers, Logan ran over to him quickly.

"Come here. Let me fix it" Logan said softly taking Patton's non-cut hand into his own and pulling him into the bathroom. Sitting Patton down on the toilet Logan goes to pull out some bandages, gauze, and cream for the cut, luckily it isn't too bad so he doesn't need stitches.

"What even happened?"

"It *sniff* was an accident," Patton said his lip quivering

"I was trying to make dinner and I accidentally cut myself on the knife"

Logan finished wrapping up Patton's hand after he said that

"Well, I think tonight we should have pizza don't you think?" Logan said getting up from his kneeling position on the floor.

"But the others –" Patton started to say

"Can fend for themselves Pat, they are grown men, you don't need to do everything for everyone, especially not on your own" Logan finished

Patton didn't reply to that, he simply nodded and fiddled with his hands.

Patton sighed, leaning back against Logan, they were currently sitting together in Logan's rocking chair, the soothing rocking putting Patton to sleep, as his eyes drifted closed he smiled softly to himself, he was glad he had such good friends.

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