you like a pretty boy with a pretty voice

40 0 0

Pairing: RomanxJanus

Word Count: 1,104

TWS: none? 

Virgil & Logan are girls use she/her for them in this fic

Roman was a horrible planner, he knew he had theatre that day he had just forgotten to tell his parents, which is why he was sitting in the school attempting to reach them when finally, they picked up.

"Hey mama, are you and mom free to pick me up?"

"No Ro, Remus got sick suddenly so we're in the hospital with him"

"Oh god is he going to be okay?"

"Yes, he will be it's nothing serious."

"Good good"

"Why did you ask if we were home?"

"Well I forgot to tell you I had theatre today but it's okay I'll find someone to walk me home"

"Okay be safe, follow all of the rules we have set in place, and do not take any shortcuts"

"I will mama don't worry about me."

The call ended and Roman sat on the floor with his head in his hands, he screwed up big time, no one was going to walk him home -

"I'll walk you home"

Romans' head shot up

"Did I say that out loud?"

"No, I can read minds" the kid in front of him replied rolling his eyes

"Who even are you," Roman said albeit ruder than he wanted

"Janus, I'm in your choir class and I'm in theatre with you" the kid - or well Janus replied

"What type of name is Janus!?" Roman laughed

"My name, I guess you don't want me to walk you home, have fun getting someone else to do it," Janus said waving one gloved hand at Roman as he walked towards the door

"Wait wait" Roman yelled chasing after him

"So where do you live?" Roman asked attempting to break the anxious silence

"Rosewood Lane"

"Hey, that's where I live!"

"Wow shocker almost like I knew that, I live right next to you dumbass"

"How have I never seen you before? And also rude!"

"You're in your main character arc - plus I rarely go outside," Janus said in complete honesty

"My main character arc..?" Roman mumbled to himself.

When Roman finally made it home he was exhausted, and a bit scared, he hated being alone, especially when Remus was sick.

"So I guess this is it," Roman said to Janus, rocking back and forth on his feet

"You want me to stay with you don't you"

"I- no I-" Roman stuttered his face burning up

Janus quirked an eyebrow at him, smirking as he watched him try to redeem himself

Sighing Roman replied

"Yes... I would like it if you stayed with me, just for a little bit"

"Well lucky for you I have no plans and my father doesn't come home for another hour or so."

Smiling Roman nodded and led Janus inside

"So I think my mama and mom left some money for pizza, that okay with you?"

"Hm? Oh yes as long as it's gluten-free, I'm allergic to gluten"

Roman nodded and punched the number for the pizza place into his phone

Janus took this time to look around Roman's living room, it was roughly the same size as his, perhaps a bit bigger, and the furniture seemed to be a mix of purple and blue. Pictures and certificates were scattered over the walls, an interesting contrast to Janus and his father's stark white ones. Drawings depicting two women and two children were also on the walls, though they seemed to be hanging on by a mere thread - metaphorically speaking.

"I finished ordering the pizza, it'll be here in 20 minutes"

Janus jumped almost knocking over a picture of two women at a wedding he was looking at

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you," Roman said, chuckling nervously

"It's quite alright I wasn't scared"

Roman looked suspicious but his eyes quickly drifted to the photo Janus was holding

"That's mama and mom at their wedding, that was 2 years before they had us," Roman said pointing at the photo

"And you think I care why?"

Roman rolled his eyes at that

"Come help me choose a movie Mister I don't care"

"Any movie is fine"

"Even Disney?"

"Except for Disney"

Roman gasped dramatically at that

"How dare you !"

"I see why you're in theatre"

"Disney is fabulous truly remarkable!" Roman exclaimed drawing his hand to his chest and throwing his head back against the arm of the couch

"Disney is a fascist capitalist scam" Janus replied smirking crossing his legs across the couch from Roman

"It is not !"

"Is to"

"Is not"

"Is to"



Roman looked like he was about to say something in reply but suddenly someone knocked at the door

"Pizza's here" Roman yelled jumping up and running to the door (and almost slipping and falling but Janus didn't see that so neither did he)

Roman and Janus had just finished the pizza and were watching Jennifer's Body (per Janus's request) and Roman was starting to get drowsy, laying on Janus's shoulder Roman started to drift off to sleep, Janus stared at him and rolled his eyes.

Logan came home around 12 am to find Janus and Roman asleep on the couch cuddling, smiling softly she took a photo for Virgil (and Remus of course) and then draped the blanket over them. They slept in until one pm when Janus's dad finally came home and started banging on the door and asking for Janus. Watching Janus leave was hard, even though they had just met Roman felt connected to him in a way.

Sighing he closed the door and headed up to his room. As he walked in he saw something out his window, in Janus's house. Confused he opened his curtain to see Janus waving to him. Smiling he waved back. Roman put up a pointer finger and Janus nodded. Writing on a whiteboard backward was NOT easy but he made it work

'Do you have any socials?' Roman wrote and put it against his window

Janus shook his head and rolled his eyes

'Dad won't let me' he wrote on a piece of paper

'A number?' Roman wrote back

Nodding Janus turned the paper over and scribbled something on the back

'Yes, it's (xxx) xxx-xxxx.'

Roman quickly grabbed his phone and texted the number, bouncing giddily on his bed as Janus wrote back.

Roman stayed up late that night talking to Janus, that is until he told him to sleep, he was good that way, he was good in a lot of ways actually, he was kind, he had a pretty voice, and he always knew how to make Roman laugh. Roman smiled and closed his eyes, he was excited to talk to Janus tomorrow.

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