they're these terrors

27 0 0

Pairing: Familial!Thomas&Remy

Word Count: 467

TWS: nightmares

It wasn't a shock to anyone that Thomas had a shit sleep schedule, especially not to his brother Remy, whose sleeping habits were probably worse than his. But at this point, Thomas was very sick of not being allowed to sleep. Thomas had graciously accepted Remy's offer of hanging out for his brother's birthday, the plan was for Thomas to sleepover at Remy's house - key word being sleep , which was not happening because Remy would not stop blasting TikToks every time Thomas would close his eyes to sleep.

"Rem, dude, for the 30th time please turn your phone down"

"Sorry babes, but cmon, it's my birthday lighten up a little"

"It may be your birthday but I have work tomorrow"

"You mean you have to videotape yourself playing video games for randos on the internet" Remy smirked quirking an eyebrow

"No I actually have to edit my video, but that's none of your business, now politely please shut the fuck up or I will leave" Thomas grumbled rubbing his temples

Remy was quiet after that.

Thomas slept for a good 2 hours before he was woken up next, hearing the crumpling of the wrappers of the food he and Remy had eaten he sat up rubbing his eyes

"..Rem...?" he said his voice soaked with sleep

"Hm? Oh uh sorry Thomas, I was getting some more coffee" Remy replied clearly exhausted

"..More coffee? Rem have you even tried to sleep?"


"Remy get your ass over here"

Scoffing Remy sets his cup down and walked over to Thomas

"What do you want?"


When Remy sat down Thomas grabbed him and draped a blanket around the both of them

"Talk to me Rem, please"

Sighing Remy lies on Thomas's chest

"Whenever I try to sleep I have horrible nightmares, so I've decided to just never sleep"

"Jeez Rem, when was the last time you slept?"

"Uhhh that's a trick question"



"Remy you need sleep"

"Actually I do not I need coffee"

"Remy" Thomas replied warning in his voice

"Thomasss" Remy replied giggling

Rolling his eyes Thomas just leaned his head on Remy's

"You know you need to sleep right?"

"Yeah I know"

"And you know I'll comfort you if you have a nightmare right?"

Remy whispered "yeah I know"

"Good" Thomas yawned

He was coming he was going to hurt him nobody was going to help him he was falling he was falling he was
"REMY" Thomas shouted waking Remy up, a worried look in his eyes

"Thomas?" Remy gurgled eyes welling up with tears

"Yeah I'm here Rem come here"

Holding Remy was all Thomas could do right now, maybe afterward Remy would tell him what affected him so hard, but even if he didn't, Thomas would be there for him no matter what.

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