i already know that i am loved

29 1 0

Pairing: qpp!Logan&Roman

Word Count: 299

TWS: none

"What're you doing?" Roman asked a tape-covered Logan, attempting to hold back his laughter at the sheer embarrassment blooming on Logan's face

"I was attempting to wrap your birthday gift but as you can see it did not turn out well" Logan replied sheepishly.

Sitting beside him Roman took the poorly wrapped gift from him

"This entire thing is tape"

"Yes well I ran out of wrapping paper halfway through"

Rolling his eyes Roman unwrapped his gift. As he opened it Roman glared at Logan, it was a ginormous box, and as he opened said box Roman saw that there was a tinier big box inside, and one more inside that.

"Is all this really necessary Lo?"

"Yes" Logan nodded, anxiously shuffling around

Sighing softly Roman proceeded to open the last of the boxes. When he went to open it he took a deep breath, he didn't know why, he didn't expect anything bad to come out of the box. Opening the box he smiled softly, there was an Emily Dickinson poem book along with a new blanket.

"So we can cuddle and read together if you so wish," Logan said breaking the silence

"Thank you, Lo, you don't know how much this means to me" Roman replied holding Logan's hand to his lips

Blushing Logan murmured an incoherent reply in response

This was heaven on earth. Logan and Roman were wrapped up in a blanket together, Roman was reading his new poem book to Logan and Logan was lying on his chest half asleep. Putting the book down Roman turned so that he and Logan were face to face, brushing the hair out of his face Roman smiled and kissed his forehead before closing his eyes and falling into a comfortable sleep, nothing awaking him or his love. 

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