I wish i knew what makes you think i'm so special

23 0 0

Pairing: ThomasxNico

Word Count: 622

TWS: nightmares

"I can't do this anymore Thomas, I'm sorry but you and I could never work I don't even like you"

Thomas shot up in bed gasping his body shaking from how hard he was breathing, dragging his hand down his face he took ragged breaths, attempting to calm himself. Dropping his face into his hand Thomas started to cry, he didn't know why, realistically Nico would never say that to him, they were doing well, in fact, they were happy together, Thomas felt loved for the first time in a long time. But the dream had felt so real he just couldn't help it. Grabbing his phone off of his nightstand Thomas opened up his and Nico's messages hoping to get a sense of stability before going back to sleep for the night. Hesitating Thomas decided against it, he didn't need Nico waking up because of him. He just decided to head back to bed, hoping the nightmares would hold up.

Nico was coming over in 10 minutes and Thomas had not recovered from his dream yet, he felt foolish, this had never been a problem before so why now? As if the universe heard his cries for help the doorbell rang, opening the door Thomas saw Nico smiling, face bright as ever.

"Thomas hi! I've missed you" Nico said going in for a hug

"Nico hey, I've missed you too" Thomas replied reciprocating said hug

The two men pulled apart at arm's length to look at each other

Blushing both men turn away

Coughing Thomas asks "Do you want water or a snack?"

"Uh, Yeah! I could go for something, what do you have?"

"Going, to be honest, I haven't gone shopping for like 2 weeks I keep forgetting"


"I know I know I do have some crackers in here somewhere... probably," He said sheepishly

"That's fine, remind me to go shopping with you soon," he said, love, seeping into his voice

Giggling Thomas went to go find said crackers

"Make yourself at home, put something on so we can watch together"

"Alright, how does 'The Lion King' sound?"

"Sounds perfect"

Thomas was trapped in his own head and he needed out now. He couldn't focus on Nico or the movie currently playing, he had made a fool of himself by accidentally giving Nico stale crackers, which he then proceeded to scarf down claiming "food was food" and that goddamn dream was stuck in his head. He was scared, he was so scared, he couldn't help but feel the dream would come true one day.

"I dreamt about you last night," Thomas said anxiously

"Oh?" Nico said quirking an eyebrow in Thomas's direction

"You, you said you and I could never work and that you didn't even like me." He said tears brimming in his eyes

"Oh Thomas why didn't you tell me yesterday? I could've helped you" Nico said with sympathy holding Thomas to his chest

"I was afraid of annoying you or making you realize that maybe you do feel that way about me"

"I'm going, to be honest, I can't tell the future, I can't tell you if we'll be together tomorrow or next week or even in 10 years, but I do know that I love you now, in the present, and in this present day, I love you, Thomas Sanders. You are the sweetest man I have ever met and I am so lucky to have met you."

"I love you too Nico Flores" Thomas whispered

As soon as the words left his lips Nico's lips were on his. The kiss was like static, happiness blooming in his chest as the man of his dreams - the good type of dreams, held him in his arms.

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