i'm alright if you're alright

35 1 0

Pairing: Familial!Roman&Remus

Word Count: 442

TWS: none

Remus loved to fuck with Roman, this was no surprise to anyone, never anything genuinely harmful, it was usually something as silly as changing his phone wallpaper to a stupid photo of himself, or drawing on his face when he slept.

Slowly sneaking into Roman's room while simultaneously trying to avoid tripping over the mess of props for future plays all over his twin's floor, Remus sneakily approaches Roman's bed grinning to himself as he swipes his phone off of his nightstand.

As he types in the password to Roman's phone, he blinks, instead of some stupid tumblr-esque edit of a random Disney character it was him specifically Roman and him on their brother hang-out sesh that Patton and Janus had collectively decided was mandatory because they " needed to find common ground ". The photo was a selfie Roman had some random lady take of them posed in front of a waterfall. Sitting on his brother's bed Remus looks over at him smiling softly. Stretching Remus puts Roman's phone back on his nightstand and closes his eyes. He was going to only be there for a little while. Just long enough to get dirt on Roman's bed and receive some much-needed affection.

As the sunlight streamed through the window Remus groans. Suddenly there was a jolt, "REMUS WHAT THE EVER LOVING DISNEY ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED!?" Before Remus could even think to respond Roman is shoving a pillow in his face

"I hope this kills you," Roman says half-heartedly

Sitting up and gasping overdramatically Remus brings a hand to his chest

"How dare you, betrayed by my own brother in his kingdom?"

"Oh shut up" Roman retaliates and promptly shoves another pillow in Remus's face

"That's what you get for getting dirt all over my freshly cleaned sheets" Roman exclaims beating his brother up with said pillow.

"Okay okay, uncle uncle"

Flopping on his back Roman sighs, lifting his head slightly Remus looks at his brother

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Roman says smiling softly

"I'm just glad we get to spend this time together"

"Ew cheesy" his twin replies chucking a pillow at the other

"Nevermind fuck you" Roman grumbled kicking his brother off the bed.

"Fine fine I'm going au revoir my dearest brother"

Remus got halfway down the hall before he heard his brother shout after him


Laughing giddily Remus rushes to his bedroom to hide from his brother. At the end of the day, while they may not have the best relationship, they do love each other, a lot, and if that love includes beating each other with pillows then so be it.

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