you make me better

55 0 0

Pairing: none

Word Count: 612

TWS: depression? i guess

Patton uses she/her in this ty

Logan was on his floor, he couldn't seem to get up no matter how hard he tried. He picked up his phone, and saw a notification from Patton ignoring it he threw his phone across the room, he wanted his friends he really did, it just took so much to message them. Sighing he grabbed the blanket from his bed and wrapped it around him. Closing his eyes he started to drift to sleep. Suddenly he heard a bang coming from his window, slowly sitting up he watches as Remus tries to open his window. Standing up he tries not to wince at his bones cracking, he walks over to his window and opens it

"Remus what do you want" Remus jumps into Logan's room and falls onto his bed

"Oh good you're awake Patton was scared I'd have to kidnap you forcefully but I told her you barely sleep enough as is" Remus stops momentarily to take in Logan's mess of a room

"Jeez dude you really are a mess" Logan's body stiffens and he nods

"Yes well, did you come for an important reason or can I go back to what I was doing?" Remus giggles

"You mean wasting away in your room?" He falls back dramatically "Oh woe is you my poor loegie woegie poegie" Logan smiles a bit at that

"But yes I did come for a good reason and that reason is to get your ass out of this house!" And with that, he scrounges around Logan's dresser, pulling out his tights, leg warmers, a black skirt, and his NASA shirt. Throwing Logan's clothes at him Remus stares expectantly

"Well? Come on now" Logan looks around anxiously, 'well it is proven that getting out of ones room does tend to help depression' he thinks. After getting dressed Remus pulls Logan downstairs and outside to where Patton was waiting with her car.

"LOGAN" she shouts excitedly running towards him to hug him. As Remus, Patton, and Logan all get in the car Logan can't help but wonder where he'd be without his friends. Hearing the vehicle come to a stop Logan slowly blinks his eyes open and rubs them.

"Where are we?" he says between yawns

"Walmart," Remus says hopping into a grocery cart

"Well obviously, I meant what're we doing here"

"Causing teenage chaos what else" As soon as the words left Remus's mouth Patton bursted into giggles Logan and Remus shared a look and waited for Patton to calm down. As it was dark out Logan and Patton had to rely on Remus to be their guide to what Logan thought was going to be the store

"Where are we going?" "Downtown" Remus grinned leaning over the end of the cart Patton was pushing

"Isn't that stealing?"

"Not technically" Patton smiled

"Well, what about your car?" Logan rubbed his fingers together anxiously

"Roman's going to take care of it for us, nothing left at the scene of the crime," Patton said patting his shoulder

"Yeah Lo prommy no trouble" Remus chortled leaning into his face from the cart.

"Yeah! Now let's go and have fun" Patton exclaimed taking off in a run towards the main street.

"Wait up" Logan yelled smiling. At the end of the night, they had only committed 2 crimes ("A new record!" Remus shouted excitedly) and hadn't gotten in trouble for any of them... yet. As Logan returned home he picked up his phone, plugged it in, set his alarm, and crawled into bed. Sure he wasn't entirely better, and he might never be. But his friends did help a lot, and he had a great time - and isn't that what matters?

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