have they really domesticated me?

30 1 0

Pairing: VirgilxLogan , Familial!Virgil&Patton , Familial!Logan&Patton

Word Count: 923

TWS: implied child neglect ( not by Logan or Virgil ) & nightmares

Being lonely was never a problem for Patton, he'd been lonely his whole life, his parents had given up on raising him years ago, only doing the basics to avoid getting arrested, and due to that, he'd never learned the social skills he needed to make friends. So yeah sure Patton didn't have friends or parents who wanted him but at least he had his stuffed animals and the animals in the woods.

It had been a mistake to walk into the woods because now he was lost, cold, and scared. Trembling Patton wrapped his cardigan around himself tighter, he was trying his hardest not to cry, he was a big boy! Big boys don't cry over things that were their fault in the first place. Sniffling Patton sat down, he wasn't a big boy, he was a lonely sad boy whose own parents didn't want him. Laying down Patton curdled up under a tree and cried himself to sleep.

"He's waking up"

"Oh shit"

Rubbing his eyes Patton sat up yawning

"Who's there?" he asked looking around

"Ah good you're awake", the blue creature said to him

"W-what are you", Patton trembled

"We're fae" the purple one piped in standing protectively next to the blue one as if little 6-year-old Patton could do anything to the nearly 6-foot fae.

"Oh! My grammy told me about you" Patton mumbled to himself trying to remember the rules of the fae she also told him

"Yes well, what are you doing under this tree?" The blue one said

"Uhm Parents don' want me anymore", he sniffled eyes filling with tears.

The fae gave each other a look but the purple one was the first to speak up.

"Why don't you stay with us?"

Perking up Patton gasps


Both of the faes nodded.

Jumping up Patton goes to hug the faes

"I appreciate it"

The trek back home was long, but somehow having Patton along made it much faster, which was strange considering the fae were much faster than he was usually.

"So what do I call you guys?" Patton smiled up at the two fae

"You can call me anxiety I guess" The purple one muttered

"I am referred to as Logic" The blue one nodded

"Oh golly you must be really smart then" Patton giggled

"Erm well I- I suppose so" Logan blushes pushing his glasses back up his nose.

"Hmmm I need a name don't I hmm" Patton trailed off eyes lighting up as he got an idea

"Frogger! Like the video game character", Patton laughed clapping his hands

"Of course, you'd choose that for a name" Virgil responded rolling his eyes

"Oh! Uhm, thank you?" Patton questioned

"No problem short stack" Virgil smiled ruffling Patton's hair

Patton was asleep on Virgil and Logan's couch, the two faes having made him go to bed as soon as he got home, of course, he obliged, exhausted from the walk home, which had lasted nearly half a day as Patton was very small and also very prone to getting distracted and lost.

"Are we really going to be able to take care of him you think?" Virgil said anxiously

"We'll do our best and that's what matters" Logan smiled at his husband

Letting out a breath Virgil nodded and held his husband tightly and watched his son sleep.

Raising a human son in a town full of mythical creatures was not as easy as Virgil and Logan had hoped it would be. They had to teach Patton the rules of course, and then proceed to explain to the 6-year-old why no he could not call his father's daddy and dada in public, and then proceed to comfort said 6-year-old and tell him that no they wouldn't leave him. It was albeit harder than the men had thought it to be. But they made it work, and soon Patton was fully knowledgeable in all rules regarding the mythical creatures that resided in the forest. Getting him to follow those rules was a different matter

"Frogger stop trying to touch centaur's tails it's incredibly disrespectful" Logan hissed his patience wearing thin

"But Logic it's so fluffy" Patton whined stomping his foot

"Imagine if someone came up to you and started touching your butt" The centaur neighed

"Frogger apologize" Logan commanded in a warning tone

"I'm sorry Mister," Patton said sadly

Huffing the centaur turned dramatically tail swooshing as he walked away.

The hardest part about raising Patton though was the nightmares, not because the two thought it was annoying when Patton crawled into their bed in the middle of the night, clearly shaken up from whatever dream had plagued his brain prior, no that was the easy part. The hard part was realizing that they couldn't help him, that no matter how many soothing words, bedtime stories, and cuddles they'd give him, that crippling fear, the nightmare-inducing thought that the two people who had grown to care about him most in the world, were going to leave him one day all alone. And that, that scared them. It hurt more than any iron, insults, or physical pain ever had. They cared about their son so seeing him hurt like this? Heartwrenching.

Today was another night like all the others, Patton had come into their room sniffling, climbed into their bed, and snuggled right in between his fathers. Both faes smiled knowing that Patton felt safe in between them. And all three cuddled together, keeping each other safe from any night terrors that might plague their thoughts.

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