sometimes I act like I know, but I'm really just a kid

59 2 0

Pairing: none

Word Count: 477

TWS: transphobia, unsymp!sides ( this was written before i was uncomfortable w unsymp!sides i will no longer be writing unsymp!sides content )

Logan uses they/them pronouns in this please use those pronouns for them!

"My ***, my special girl"

Logan stared at the ceiling replaying the words in their head. They weren't a girl. Patton knew this, Patton was literally the first person who knew they were nonbinary so why is he misgendering and deadnaming them? They rolled over so they were staring at the wall. They needed to address it, they knew that, but the idea of being the bad guy, and being the reason everyone was uncomfortable was just so, well - painful.

They slowly sat up ignoring the sick feeling in their stomach, pushing down the bile coming up their throat. Walking to the living room was the easiest part of this whole endeavor. Now comes the hard part. They walked into the living room to find Virgil and Roman there also.

"Uh hello?" Logan mumbles, Virgil cocks an eyebrow at them clearly sensing the anxiety rolling off of them. Roman just looks up from where he was talking to Patton, "yes Microsoft nerd?". "Do you believe I could talk to Patton alone?" they ask fiddling with their fingers "Anything you can say to him you can say to us" Roman says crossing his arms, ' fine killing 3 birds with one stone - metaphorically speaking' Logan thinks to themself.

"I'd like to address the fact that you've all been misgendering and deadnaming me a lot more recently", they watch as Patton puffs up - clearly upset, Virgil just rolls his eyes and Roman scoffs "how do you expect us to not? We've known you as *** for your whole life! You've always been a girl to us and now that you've come out you expect us to just adapt and get it right away?! Bullshit! This is harder for us than it is for you". Logan stares at Roman wide-eyed "It's harder for you? ITS HARDER FOR YOU!? I have to deal with the constant misgendering you three fucking put me through I have to watch you act like I never fucking came out like I'm still a girl! I'm not and I haven't been for years, get over yourselves I beg of you." Logan wipes their eyes trying not to show the others they get to him. "I am disappointed in you Logan. I thought you'd be more sympathetic, you know it's harder for Roman to understand things than you, you're being very rude right now" Patton exclaims his hand on Romans' shoulder in a comforting manner. "Oh cry me a river, I have ADHD too you asshole it has never been a fucking struggle to get someone's pronouns and name correct" with that Logan turns on their heel and stomps upstairs locking themself in their room. As they slide to the ground the waterworks start.

"It'll always be like this, I'll always be a girl, never anything else" they lean back and as their eyes drift closed they accept this fact.

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