𝐢𝐢. valar dohaeris.

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❝if only my heart was as cold as I pretend it is, maybe I could get over this.❞


furiously following after the crow man, aeya threw her arms into the air in exasperation, "What the hell was that, kaz?" she exclaimed, her hands colliding with the surface of his desk as she leaned down to look at him, "can you tell me?"

the man seemed dismissive, "be more specific."

she scoffed, her eyes squinting murderously at him, "it was one thing when it was a simple retrieving mission, in and out. but the sun summoner?" she mocked, "we're not going!"

"No." kaz stated.

"No?" the girl echoed, confusion and hopefulness lacing her tone.

he looked up at her, "No, to not going."

she closed her eyes in disbelief and pressed her palm onto them to distract her body from the panic it was nearing towards, "we can't go," she muttered, insisting.

kaz hummed, "Can't we?" his tone was cruel, almost mocking.

she nodded, lips pulling into a forced straight line, "I can't go." she corrected, gaze teary and desperate as she hoped he'd listen. this was not how their partnership worked.

he only shook his head as he continued to look through his papers, messing them around and lifting some to inspect them. "You can," he let out, "I have a plan. They won't get you."

"No, you don't," she forced out, her fingers begging to reach for his own and plead with him.

he only exploded at her, his expression remaining emotionless as she jumped away, "Aeya!" his voice echoed through the room.

"You don't!" she pressed, "I've known you since you were a kid, and although we fell apart, in these last 2 years, with me close to you, I learned to know when you're still figuring things out,

"You don't know how to pull off this job."

he scoffed sarcastically, eyes piercing through her, and she knew that this wasn't the boy she knew and adored, but the murderous beast he possessed because of his years in the barrel, "I still have six hours, and right now, you aren't helping." he spat out.

"Maybe you can find a way for us to cross other than my method, but that doesn't solve my problem, Kaz!" she declared, and she could swear she had heard him scoff, "if I can't crack this, no one's going."

Aeya nodded, her arms crossing over her chest to chield herself from the ongoing fight, "And if you do?" she countered, "what about me? I'm here because I didn't want to fight"

in a burst of anger, he stood straighter to look at her with rage, documents, and palms colliding onto the table with force. she jumped. "Maybe you're simply not good enough to keep yourself from getting caught!" he shouted, "Maybe you stay here!"

she stepped back in shock, her purple eyes wide as she looked at him with a look of betrayal. his gaze softened, almost hesitant and awaiting her reaction.

her lips twitched as she nodded, looked down, then backed up at him with an expression he could not decifer. she had locked herself away from him. "Maybe I'll be half a world away when you get back." she hummed, willing herself to keep her voice even, "that way you won't have to keep me safe anymore."

"Aeya," he whispered, almost remorseful as he started to round the desk, but she was already walking away, and his limp was not helping. "Aeya, listen!" he called out, louder this time, and as he reached his room to speak with her, his eyes fell on his window just in time to notice her figure jumping out and into the darkned streets of Ketterdam.

𝖉𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝖑𝖊𝖌𝖆𝖈𝖞 || kaz brekkerWhere stories live. Discover now