𝐢𝐢𝐢. she bleeds flame.

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❝Rūsīr perzys se ānogar.❞


the white-haired witch sat down on the floor by her bed, her neck craning up against the soft duvet covered mattress as her back straightened to fit flush into it.

the night's events were still circling in her mind. from finding out that the sun summoner has been discovered to being held at knife point and dragged around Ketterdam.

she knew that Kaz's decision was final, that no amount of begging and pleading could change it. and with that in mind, the girl couldn't help but let out a sigh, her eyes shutting to take a moment of calmness before she was to start getting ready.

the crows' leader had cracked a way to Ravka. going to Novokribirsk to meet with Nina Zenik, cross the fold with the conductor's method, find a way into the Little Palace, steal the saint, and then get out with a good distraction. simple enough.

although she was excited for the Nina part, the rest of the trip did not seem as promising.

the heatrender was a close friend of hers, only a few years older. the two had been almost inseparable during their time together. that until the war against Shu-Han and Fjerda made itself known and she had to go fight with the second army to defend her country.

the green eyed soldier had let her general and the rest of the grishas believe that she was dead in battle, and during that time, Aeya locked herself out, refusing to speak, eat and train for days, but now, her hopes couldn't be outshined even by her anger.

she wondered if Nina felt any guilt at leaving her and what they had together.

they were everything to each other, both bonding over their shared trauma from the experience of losing their families and being dragged away from their homes to be pawns into a powerful man's war.

many of their lonely nights were spent together in one of their bed, sneaking into the darkned hallways to quietly wake each other when the voices and the nightmares in their head got too loud. it was their little secret.

the dragon couldn't help but smile, her gaze falling to her ring decorated fingers as she remembered the little matching band they had given each other the last time they were saying goodbye.

she hoped the girl was happier, and as she started to make a mental list of what she needed to take with her, a swift knock landed on her door, the rythm of it all too familiar for her.

"Come in," she let out, a small smile growing on her face as it slowly opened to let her friend inside, "everything okay?" the white haired princess couldn't help but wonder, her legs crossing underneath her as she placed her elbows onto her knees.

Inej nodded, her eyes set on the ground as she stepped inside the room, "yeah," she whispered, although it seemed unconvincing, "was just wondering if I could stay with you while we wait for Kaz to be done."

the grisha frowned, "Of course you can," she stated, reaching for her hand and tugging her closer after she willed the door to close itself, "what’s wrong?" she wondered after a moment, her tone soft and comforting as the braid wearing wraith sat next to her.

"I just don't want to be alone with my thoughts," she sighed out, "after what happened tonight, what I almost did, I just-" Inej mumbled, "I just don't feel like myself."

Aeya's fingers softly linked with hers, her head moving to be in her line of sight, "don't even feel the need to ask if you can stay," she reassured, "my room is always open for you, Nej," the witch smiled, her brows raising as if to emphasize her point.

𝖉𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝖑𝖊𝖌𝖆𝖈𝖞 || kaz brekkerWhere stories live. Discover now