Chapter 1 Leaving Home

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Clarke P.O.V
I stuffed my suit case into the back of Camilo's Ford Flex, his suit case was already in. The fall semester classes would start in just two weeks, and we were heading over there earlier in order to settle in. 

My mother came out of the house holding a box. I shut the trunk with a slam, and didn't bother turning towards her. I hadn't spoken to her for more the entire summer, and I didn't plan on doing it anytime soon. She was the reason he left. She was the reason that I would never see him again.

The days following his- his departure, I had locked myself in my room. For a whole week, all I did was lay in my bed reading the letter, and holding all the things that had come in the yellow package. Monty, Jasper, and Raven all tried to coax me out of my room, but I didn't come out. The only one I would talk to was Charlotte. Charlotte was the only on who entered my room for three weeks. I had at first refused to eat and Charlotte had managed to get some food in me. My mother stood in front of me.

"Clarke honey," She began. I refused to look at her."I know you're still mad at me, but I thought that becoming a doctor was your dream. I asked him to leave for you."

I glared at my mother, as anger bubbled inside if me.

"For me?" I asked calmly. She looked at me warily as I shook my head.  "Becoming a doctor was never my dream, that was your dream." Camilo came out of the house, he had been saying goodbye to Charlotte."Besides, you telling him to leave didn't change my choice in career." I looked her straight in the eye just as Camilo reached us."I am going to the Manhattan School of Music, whether you like it or not."

With that I turned and hopped into the passengers seat of the Ford Flex. I saw Camilo hug my mother goodbye. He then climbed into the drivers seat. Camilo wasn't too happy to know that my mother was part of the reason Bellamy left, but it seemed as if he couldn't help but feel gratitude towards her. After all, my mother did take him and his sister in when their mother was ill, and then continued to care for them after she passed away.

Camilo started the car, and my mother made her way over to my window. I rolled down the window and she handed me the box.

"Look inside." She said, and retreated into the house. Camilo began to drive. Raven was leaving next week, and would call us when she arrived at school.

Monty and Jasper would be hitching a ride with her, since their school-Columbia University- was also in New York City. The drive to New York took two days, and it would only be Camilo and I.

It wasn't as if I minded though, Camilo and I had grown closer during the Summer so there wouldn't be any awkward silences during the trip. Oddly enough, Camilo had actually been the first one to get me out of the room.

"Don't you think you're being to hard on her?" Camilo asked, breaking the silence.

"No." I deadpanned as I glared out the window.

Camilo sighed as we crossed into the freeway."Are you going to miss it?"

I looked out the window."Arke City?"

"No," Camilo responded."Home. We're leaving home."

Home? Arke City wasn't home anymore. The house I had moved into when we came back to Arke wasn't home either, not without Bellamy. Without Bellamy, without Octavia, Arke City was just that, a city. One full of heartbreaking memories.

I turned to Camilo, he was looking straight forward."That wasn't home."

Camilo pursed his lips. I knew this was a home to him, but the definition of the word was subjective.

We didn't speak for a while until Camilo said," You're right. That wasn't home. Or at least not anymore."

I nodded, then turned on the radio.

And look what happened to my good intentions... 'tentions

Bellamy P.O.V
I hugged O one more time.

"Bellamy you're crushing me," she whined as she wiggled in my arms.

I chuckled and let her go."Sorry, but I'm not going to see you in a long time baby sister."

She rolled her eyes, smiling."You're only going to be gone two days to check out the apartment."

  It was true, I was going to New York City to check out the apartment near the college I chose. The school seemed amazing, and I could focus on music while working on getting a more practical degree in music instruction. Unluckily, I had to live on campus the first year, but these apartments were only five minutes away from the school. That way I could check up on O every day before going to work.

"And besides," she added." New York City is only three hours away."

I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck."You sure you're going to be okay on your own?"

O rolled her eyes. "Yes, now go." She pushed me out the door."Bye Bell."

I waved goodbye, and got into my black Camero. It was the same one that I had back in...

Back in that city. Miller had dropped it off a week ago on his way to his choice school. I climbed in the car, and began to drive to New York City. I resisted the flow of memories trying to enter my mind as I drove. These past months had been the worst of my life.

Everyday I thought of her. Everyday I wished she was with me. Everyday I had to fight tears as I scrolled through my photos of her. I couldn't stop loving her, and I couldn't bring myself to even try and stop caring for her. By leaving Clarke, I was leaving home.

I turned on the radio.

'Cause there's a man over board and the tide's gonna drag him down.

Max P.O.V

Arizona whizzed passed as the bus traveled. My Flock surrounded me, Fang was next to me. I watched our old high school pass, and then the Football field. So many horrible memories had been created there. From gangs to stupid teenage drama, mainly everything had gone down on that campus. I sighed and laid my head against the cool glass,

Finally, after a bit, the bus passed the "Now Leaving," sign that I had always seen in movies. I let out a breath, wow, so this is what it felt like leaving the only place you ever knew. Crazy huh? I liked the feeling.

I turned up the music on my IPod.

Why is the silence so loud?

Third Person P.O.V
Mr. Heath  sat in his office chair, as usual. Colton stood in the right corner, as usual.

  "Has Artagis completed the report on Blake yet?" Mr. Heath asked Colton as he mixed his whiskey, the ice cubes clinking against the glass.

"It's almost complete, " Colton hesitates before continuing. He knows what he is about to say next will not be to Heath's liking. "The Erasers have set their sites on my son."

Mr. Heath freezes for a moment. He sets down his glass on the wooden desk, and hears the clink of the ice. He turns slowly in his chair to face Colton. "Get to him, before they do."

Colton nods. "Yes sir."

A/N I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Oh and by the way I have another profile called the whsseriesclub, it would mean a lot if y'all could follow it :)
As soon as it gets to five followers Ill upload another chapter.

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