Chapter 21 Saturday Part 1

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Camilo P.O.V
Saturday- there were no classes today. Clarke, Max, Bellamy, Fang, and I were going to go to check out some places in the city. The others all had something to do today, so they couldn't come along.

Monty and Jasper were working on a project with their roommate Iggy. Sasha and Raven were having a study session at Morgan's Coffee Shop, and Octavia was with Lincoln. As for Max's other friends, I had no idea what they were doing.

We decided to take the subway per Max's request, and with all certainty I could say that that was the worst mistakes we had ever made. The girl has no idea where we were going, nor did she care to admit we were lost. We were at a station I thought was somewhere near The Bronx, when we had been trying to get to Time Square.

Max stared at the map, her eyebrows slightly creased as she scowled at it. Fang stared at her arms crossed. His dark hair was covering his eyes. Bellamy stood next to Clarke, as they leaned over his phone screen.

I sighed as I looked at the two pairs. Suddenly I felt like a fifth wheel. Maybe I should have just gone to Raven and Sasha's study session.

They had told me I could tag along, if I wanted to, but Max convinced me to go with them. She told me that if I didn't go she would sneak into my dorm and paint my dye lime green. I didn't know how she would do that without waking me up, but I didn't doubt that she could.

I let out a groan."Can you give me the map Max?"

Max looked up at me."No."

I threw my head back."But you don't even know where we're headed."

"Be quiet Puppy, I know where we're going." She defended herself, still looking down at the map.

I rolled my eyes."Why don't you just admit we're lost?"

Before Max could speak, Fang did- which was a surprise to all of us considering he hadn't spoken at all today.

"Give him the map Max."

Max narrowed her eyes at Fang."I got this Fang, I know which train we have to go on next. And get your hair out of your eyes."

He raised his eyebrows without a word, but Max seemed to understand what he was trying to say. She put a hand on her hip and looked at Fang.

"Do you doubt my navigation skills?" She asked. Fang only stared at her. She glared back, and after about a minute she threw her hands up in defeat.

"Fine!" She folded then threw me the map, I caught it after fumbling with it a couple seconds."There you go Puppy."

I sighed."Thank you Maxie."

She gaped at me an annoyed expression on her face.

"Careful there," she snarled."If you have a death wish keep calling me that."

I gulped slightly, and I could see Fang smirking behind Max. This girl was frightening when she wanted to be, not that she actually scared me or anything.

I glanced down at the map, and instantly figured out what train we should take next. We got on the train and in about an hour we were in Time Square.

The place was swarming with people, many of which were most likely tourists. Large skyscrapers and buildings stood proudly in every inch of the place, several of which were adorned with grand screens and billboards.

I had only seen this place in pictures, and I remembered watching the ball drop each New Years with my mother and my little sister on Univision(a popular Spanish language channel).

When I was younger I had always hoped to see that ball drop in person with my mother and sister. I knew that I could most likely be able to see that with my sister, but I just wished that when that did happen I could have my mother with us. That was impossible though, she was gone.

"You okay Cameleon?" I heard Max ask from behind me.

I turned to her."It's Camilo."

She smirked."I know. Soooo, are you okay? You have a weird expression on your face."

I grinned slightly."I'm fine."

Fang came up behind Max causing her to jump about three feet in the air.

"Will you quit doing that?" She asked turning to face him.

"Quit doing what?" He feigned innocence."Breathing?"

She tilted her head time the side in irritation."You know what I mean."

Fang smirked and pointed behind him where Clarke and Bellamy were standing closely together."They're making me sick."

Max laughed, then put on a sad face."Aww Fangy can't take being with the love birds can he?"

Fang's face hardened."Max."

Max barked out a laugh again."You're too easy. But seriously they're not even doing anything. They haven't gotten back together yet."

I felt a pang hit my stomach thinking of Clarke and Bellamy.
They love each other Camilo, I told myself. Get over it.

Fang rolled his eyes and we walked over to Bellamy and Clarke and began to walk around the area.

Iggy P.O.V
I looked up from my textbook as I smelled something burning. Monty and Jasper noticed the stench as well. Slowly I stood and sniffed around the dorm. Oh no-it was coming from the bathroom. Not the bathroom again, it would be completely destroyed by the time this school year was over. If that happened then Max would definitely murder me. She'd be on an anger streak for months.

Cautiously I neared the bathroom. Monty and Jasper were behind me. I gingerly pushed open the door and-

"BOOM!" I was tackled to the ground.


Gazzy laughed maniacally as he rolled off of me. I pushed myself to my feet. I looked at Gazzy who was like a younger brother to me.

"What are you doing here bro?" I asked.

He shrugged."I was bored, Angel and Nudge went shopping so I had nothing to do."

"What's that smell?" Jasper asked as Monty asked," How'd you even get in here without us noticing?

Gazzy grinned mischievously."That smell was a chemical mix I made all on my own. And I got in here when you guys went to get lunch. Speaking of lunch do you have any left?"

Jasper shook his head."No, Iggy ate it all."

Gazzy slumped his shoulders."Dang it I'm really hungry, well I'm going to get food. Iggy are you coming?"

"Sure," I responded.

Before I could get out the door Monty said,"But you just ate! And we still need to finish the project!"

I shrugged."I'm still hungry, we'll finish the project when I get back."
I then shut the door and followed Gazzy to get some food.

Third Person P.O.V

Ari watched Max and Fang board a subway train. Both looked stiff and glanced around suspiciously.  Their companions, however, were much more relaxed. Especially, the curly brown haired boy.

He couldn't believe how easy it had been to find them.

Ari took out his phone and dialed Jeb.

"I found them."

"Keep a close eye on them," Jeb said calmly.

Ari watched as the subway doors began to close." I can bring them back today."

"No," Jeb said sharply."It's too riskeg eith the Grounders still being an issue."

The subway doors closed. Ari let out a sigh. "Fine. Okay."

"Soon my son," Jeb said slowly."Soon the Flock will be ours."

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