Chapter 14 Hey Rae

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Raven P.O.V
Monty, Jasper, and I were in my truck, headed to New York City. Monty and Jasper were going to Columbia University, which was only a few minutes away from the Manhattan School of Music. Clarke and Camilo where already there, and it worked out very well for all of us, since we could just walk to visit each other, instead of spending hours in traffic. I've never been to New York City, but I knew the traffic had to be terrible. Sadly, that meant my beloved truck that I had gotten a few weeks after the car crash, wasn't going to be used very often. I pulled up, into the parking of Columbia University. Jasper got off first, then Monty. They took their suitcases from the back of the truck and Monty came around to the driver's window.

He smiled."I'll see you later."

I smiled back at him."Yes you will, because if you don't I'll kick your ass."

He laughed, and leaned in to give me a kiss. It was short, but sweet. We pulled apart, still smiling.

"Bye guys," I said as they went to enter the dorm building.

"Bye Raven," they said in unison. I started my truck, and drove the two minute drive to the Manhattan School of Music. I luckily found a parking space and then got out of my truck. I took my suitcase out of the truck's back and headed to my dorm. I climbed up two flight of stairs, until I reached my floor. Room 102... 103.... 104... aha! Room 105. I put in my key and turned it. A clicking sound told me it was unlocked. I entered my dorm and saw to beds. Both were bare, indicating that my roommate hadn't arrived yet. I began to unpack, and put everything away. Once I had finished I took out my phone and sent a text to Monty.

Me- Hey Monty, you guys done unpacking?

Angel Cutie- Yep

Me-Then come over- with Jasper, so we can go visit Clarke and Puppy.

Angel Cutie- Be there in five Rae, love you

I smiled, and put the phone in my pocket. I sat on the edge if my bed, and tapped my fingers against my knees. Monty and Jasper would be here in five minutes, but what would I do until then?

I didn't need to get my picture taken for my ID until Monday, classes would start a week from then.

I tapped my foot with my hands still on my knees. I fluttered my lips together making a horse-like sound as I looked around my dorm. I sighed and laid down on my bed, putting my hands underneath my head. I sighed again as I changed positions, and was now laying horizontally on my vertical bed. My legs were hanging off one side and my head off the others. I let out another breath as I yet again changed my position. I know had my legs completely on the bed, and my head hanging off upside down.

"Bored." I stated out loud.
" Bored, bored, bored." I began to sing."I am soooo, bored."

Suddenly someone burst through my door, and slammed it loudly causing me to flip off my bed in surprise. I let out a yelp as my back hit the floor. Ouch, that hurt.
I heard someone arguing.

"I don't give a flying fladoodle!" She yelled. Fladoodle? Was my roommate a five year old? I slapped my palm on the bed, and sat up. I saw my roommate throw her duffle bag onto the bed. She had dirty blonde hair, and tan skin. She wore a black tank top, and blue jeans, along with combat boots. Something about her just screamed a mix between,'I don't care,' and edgy. Her features were scrunched up in irritation.

"You're such a moron! Why would you possibly think it's okay to set off a smoke bomb in your dorm!" She screamed. She listened to the person on the other end. Smoke bomb? Whoever set it off seemed like my kind of person.

"So what if your roommate was already gone by the time you set it off? What happens when he comes back!?" She rolled her eyes at whatever the other person had to say.
"Yeah, yeah. Love you too Igs, and remember you're taking Gazzy and Angel to get their ID photos taken along with their class schedules and books.."
What kind of name was Gazzy? Once again the person said something that annoyed my roommate. She pinched the bridge of her nose.

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