Chapter 20 Walk

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Max P.O.V
Damn it! I don't think it worked. I guess we would have to try again before moving onto phase two.

I glanced at Fang, his dark hair was covering his eyes. Looking back up front, I thought back to when we first met. We had both been five, and I had pushed him to the ground during snack time, because he had stolen my chocolate chip cookies which my mother had made for me. The only problem? He had fought back.

That said, we had been sent home that day. I almost laughed as I thought about how much I had hated him for the next week.

I saw a note land on my desk. It was folded up into a ninja star.
I unfolded it.

Thinking about cookies?

I took my pen and wrote on the paper.

Yes, and did you really need to fold
it up into a ninja star?

I dropped it on his desk, and seconds later it was back on my desk. This time it was folded into a small envelop. Once again, I unfolded it. His answer was written directly below my question.


I rolled my eyes and scribble onto the paper.

Show off.

I set the paper on his desk, and quickly glanced over at him. I saw him smirk as he read over my response.

Another note landed on my desk. This time it wasn't from Fang, but from the other guy sitting next to me.

Stop passing notes, you're going to get caught

Rolling my eyes, I wrote on the small paper.

You realize that's hypocritical right Puppy?

I put the note on his desk, and focused up front where another group was performing. Before long a new note was on my desk.

Who told you about that nickname?

Grinning, I scribbled on the paper.

Who do you think?

I waited for the response, the note was soon dropped onto my desk.


I put down my answer on the paper.


I expected that to be the end of this paper conversation, but I was wrong. Yet another note was put on my desk.

I don't think phase one worked.

I sighed, and jotted down a response.

Me either, does that make you happy? That it didn't work I mean.

Placing the note on his desk I slouched in my seat. I had wondered if Camilo had any feeling for Clarke, because it sure seemed like it. I wasn't a genius with feelings, but even a numb skull would notice how Camilo cringes when anyone mentions Bellamy and Clarke getting back together.

I glanced at my phone. It was almost time for class to end, and Camilo still hadn't responded.

The bell rang, and we headed outside of the lecture hall.
I began to walk to the next class with Fang, Bellamy, and Clarke. Camilo had stayed back to talk to Professor Cartwig. Fang, Bellamy, and Clarke entered the our next class. Just as I was going to enter, I felt someone grab my forearm and start to spin me around to face them.

Out of instinct, I threw up my fists and swung at whoever grabbed me.

"Ow!" Camilo yelled stumbling to the ground.

He held his now bleeding lip, and looked up at me.

I cringed, oops. I walked over to him and extended my hand. He took it and I pulled him to his feet.

"You've got a strong arm," he stated as he moved his jaw around.

I raised an eyebrow."You kind of need it when you're into street fighting."

His eyebrows shot up to his hairline."You street fight."

I laughed."No I was joking."

"Oh, okay." He said glancing around. There was no one around, everyone was in class already. We would be late if we didn't go in right now.

"So is there something you needed?" I asked.

He ran a hand threw his light brown hair as he sighed. "Would it be bad if I said I was happy? Or at least not disappointed."

My eyebrows drew together before I realized what he was talking about. I put my hands on my hips.
"Well you like her, you can't help it."

He raised an eyebrow."You don't think I'm a terrible person."

"Why would I?" I asked bluntly."I barely know any of you, and you don't seem like an evil psycho so..."
I let my voice trail.

He smiled, quite adorably I might add. Not that I thought he was cute or at least not like Fang. More like a puppy. Yeah, he was like puppy cute.

"Thanks Max," he continued to smile."Is that short for something?"

I nodded."Maximum."

His smile grew."Cool, should we head into class."

I smiled."That would be a good idea, let's go Puppy."

We then walked into class.
Clarke P.O.V
After class, the day went by quickly. I tossed and turned, trying to find a comfortable spot, but it seemed impossible.

I couldn't stop thinking about about Bellamy.

Were we meant to be just friends? Were we meant to be together?

If we got back together, there was a possibility of breaking up and going through more pain.

If we stayed just friends we would continue to feel pain, but there was a possibility to move on.

There was both a good and a bad side to each, but it didn't all depend on me. It also depended on Bellamy and what he wanted. He seemed dead set on staying friends while I wasn't sure what I wanted.

Running a hand through my messy, tangled hair, I sighed.

I would never stop loving him, but was it best to stay friends?

Laying back down I closed my eyes, hoping to get some sleep.

Fang P.O.V
I threw my covers off of me and slid on some shoes. If I couldn't sleep, I might as well take a walk.
I walked through the halls, until I reached the outside. The cool New York air attacked my face. I crossed the street as I headed away from the campus.

I wondered what Max thought of this weather. As far as I knew she hated the cold.

I smirked to myself as I thought of how much Max would hate it here in the winter. She would be complaining about it every single second of the day.

Shoving my hands in my jeans, I continued to walk until I felt someone bump into me.

I looked up and saw a man about mid thirties to early forties. The light coming from the street lamps allowed me to see that the man had a small scar just above his right eyebrow. His curly hair was light brown.

"Do you know where I can find the Manhattan School of Music?" He asked

I pointed behind me."Cross the street and it's a couple minutes that way."

He nodded and walked away. I continued to roam the streets until I felt like sleeping. Once I did, I headed back to the school and to my dorm.

A/N Sorry for the uber long time it took me to update, but I just entered school and I've been busy. And sorry for the lack if Bellarke in this chapter, but hey Clarke and Bellamy aren't the only one's with lives. Plus this was more of a filler chapter. Hope you liked it :D

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