Chapter 3 I Didn't

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Bellamy P.O.V
After going to my job interview, I went to grab something to eat, then I headed back to the motel. It was eight and I was leaving tomorrow at three a.m. to go pick up O and move to our new apartment. We didn't have many things, and Lincoln was going to help is move, so tomorrow would be considerably easy. I entered the doors of motel and walked up the stairs to my room. Once in my room, I reached into my pocket to take out my phone, but realized it wasn't their. I sighed, it must be in my car. I went back downstairs to my car. As I was retrieving my phone from the seat, I heard a laugh. It was beautiful, not to mention familiar. I turned around and saw two figures outlined in black heading to their room. I shut my car, phone in hand, then neared the motel building. I saw a golden glint of hair.
She laughed again, and I heard the voice I'd been craving to hear.

"Camilo, just open the door. It's cold." It was her, it was Clarke. She was here-in this motel- only a couple feet away from me, but she was here with Camilo. My heart ached painfully, and my fists clenched. I felt fury bubble inside me, as I watched them go inside their room. Why was she with Camilo? Why was she even here?

As much as I wanted to run to Clarke, and tell her I loved her, I couldn't. I left for a reason. I left so she could pursue her dream and be with someone who would help build her up, not tear her down. I quietly went into my room,  and retrieved my things. I couldn't risk Clarke seeing me, I couldn't risk hurting her. I needed to leave before she could come out and see me. I grabbed every thing, then went down to the lobby to return my key. Afterwords, I walked to my car. I opened the door and-

"Bellamy?" A soft voice asked."Is that you?"

I froze, but I didn't turn around. What was I going to do now? My face was dark, she wouldn't be able to see me if I didn't want to, but I wanted her to know it was me. Yet I couldn't bring myself to face her.

I sighed, lowering my head."No ma'am, you must be thinking about someone else." My voice was deeper as I tried to make it unrecognizable.

"Then why don't you turn around?" She asked skeptically. Her voice was beautiful, and came from those lips I had desperately missed. It came from the girl I hopelessly loved. The one who was kind, caring, and had a golden personality. I wanted to turn around, oh how I wanted to. I rubbed my eyes with my hand.

"I'm not sure that is necessary ma'am," I lied, trying to add a southern tang to my voice.

"So you're not Bellamy?" She questioned through a wavering voice."You're not the boy I fell in love with." I could hear my heart beating against my ribcage. "You're not the man who left me," I bit my tongue so I wouldn't turn around. She continued, her voice thick with emotion," you're not the one who I spent these last months crying over? The one who said would always love me?"

I pursed my lips. My agony grew, as did the pain in my chest. I loved her so much. I wished to be the man that she needed, that deserved her, but I never was and I would never be that man. I didn't turn around. As much as it hurt to say this next word, I forced myself to.

"No." Saying that word made me feel as if I had just dug a knife into my chest.
There was a stretched silence, in the dark night. The seconds ticked by as of they were hours, and moments seemed to last forever.

"Oh," Clarke's faint voice projected disappointment with a sign of sadness."I'm sorry for bothering you sir. I.... I just thought you seemed familiar." I heard her walk away, and risked a glance at her. I saw her walk away, her small figure going further and further away from me. My fists clenched as I forced myself to stay in place.

"I love you Clarke," I whispered, before getting in my car and driving away. I looked through my rearview mirror and saw a shrinking figure standing right outside of the motel, looking at the stars. My mind flashed back to my first date with Clarke. Her and I had fallen asleep under the stars, and claimed that area under the tree, near the lake as our place.

Every night since leaving Clarke, I had looked at the stars and wondered whether or not she was staring at them too. I wondered whether or not she was thinking of me as the man she loved, or the one she hated. I needed to believe she was still mine, that her heart still belonged to me, in order to not go on a rampage. In order to not feel even more hatred for myself, but I also needed to forget about her in order to do those same things. I focused my eyes on the road, and tightened my hands on the steering wheel. Seeing Clarke here was a coincidence, but it would most likely not happen again.

Clarke P.O.V
It wasn't him, of course it wasn't him. I must have known it wasn't him. The man didn't turn around, but his voice was different then Bellamy's voice. It was similar, but still different. I didn't see his face, only his back and even then I could only see him a little bit. He seemed to have Bellamy's stature, build, and style, but I guess it must have just been my mind who tricked me into thinking it was him. This hadn't been the first time O had believed to see Bellamy. On the way here I had thought that I'd seen Bellamy in the lanes of drug store, but when I had turned to the lane I supposedly had seen him in, there was no one. I sighed, going back into the room.

Camilo was laid on one of the beds. His feet were dangling to the floor."False alarm?"

I nodded."Yeah." I then let myself fall onto my bed.

"Clarke," Camilo began.

He sighed."This has to stop. You see Bellamy everywhere we go."
I nodded."I know." And, I did, Bellamy was everywhere, he crowded my existence. "Goodnight."

I then flipped onto my side and stared at the wall. This was going to be a long night.

Max P.O.V

I laid down on the sofa, Nudge was on the floor dye to her kicking habit. Gazzy and Angel took the bed while Iggy took the other sofa. As for Fang, he sat leaning against my sofa staring at the door. Fang had insisted on taking first watch and although I had insisted it wasn't necessary anymore, I knew it was.

I sighed getting off the sofa, I couldn't sleep. I grabbed the blanket and made my way towards Fang, wordlessly I plopped down next to him and covered us both with the small blanket. We sat in silence.

We were close to New York, in fact we'd arrive tomorrow. We had taken two planes and three busses to get to the motel we were staying at-just on the outskirts of New York-in order to throw off our trail, just in case we had been followed. I know what your thinking already, hey Max how'd you get the money for all that?

Well my dear and adoring fans, that is a secret which may or may not involve illegal things which you may or may not want to hear about. But, the cost is besides the point. Point was, we were close to the Red Apple(that is what it's called right? ). 

"Max," Fang whispered, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I whispered back.

"You should get some rest," he told me. I rolled my eyes, rest was for the weak.

"You should to hypocrite," I shot back at him. I heard him scoff. I rolled my eyes again, this type at the rude gesture and I rested my head on his shoulder. Soon enough my eyes grew heavy and I felt myself begin to drift. Darkness overcame me.

Third Person P.O.V

A group of Erasers stood outside the motel, leading them was Ari. Inside were the ones they were looking for, not just Max and Fang, but also the rest of their Flock.

Ari smirked as he imagined finally being able to take them in. This would not only be gratifying because he would take in Max-  Jeb's obviously favorite child- but also because he would take in Fang. Max was the prize but Fang was the extra reward to him, and with the capture of their Flock he would gain a rank in the gang's hierarchy.

Ari would rise up, and soon he'd be at the top of the social structure. Although first he needed to capture Max and her crew, all he needed was the single and The Erasers would go at it.

Ari waited outside, waiting for the action call.

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