Chapter 9 Drunk

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Bellamy P.O.V
I stumbled clumsily towards the bar, and ordered another drink. Camilo sat down next to me, almost falling to the ground. He slung a lazy arm around me, leaning slightly.

"Feel better man?" He slurred with a grin on his face.

I was grinning."Y- eth." I had lost count of how much alcohol I had drank. I think I drank four shots of tequila? Maybe five- no it was seven, or eight? I just grabbed the beer I had ordered and chugged some of it down. I looked around the bar there was no music, why was there no music? I wanted music.

I tapped Camilo's shoulder."Camiiiiloooo , Cam, Cami, Lolo," I continued to tap his shoulder until he turned to me.

He tapped my shoulder repeatedly."What?"

"Mu-" I hiccupped."Music."

Camilo pushed himself of of his chair, tripping on his feet as he did so and looked around."There." He awkwardly pointed somewhere.
I saw a jukebox and hobbled over to it. I put in a dollar, and flicked through the music. The letters were blurred together. Music, I liked music, but I couldn't read what music they had. Hmm, maybe I should just put in a random number. A song began to play, it sounded familiar. Where had I heard it?

The warden threw a party in the county jail, sang the juke box.

Hey, I knew this song. Camilo was leaning against the juke box as he recognized the song.

The warden threw a party in the county jail.

We both grinned.

The prison band was there and they began to wail. Camilo sluggishly sang at the top of his lungs.

The band was jumpin' and the joint began to swing. I sang as well.

Camilo slapped my shoulder with the back if his hand, almost missing.

Camilo-You should've heard those knocked out jailbirds sing.

We began to walk around the bar.

Both-Let's rock, everybody, let's rock.

I extended my hands in the air.

Me-Everybody in the whole cell block was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock.

Camilo began to twist his legs and danced in an Elvis Presley- like fashion.

Camilo-Spider Murphy played the tenor saxophone,

I joined Camilo, dancing like him.

Me-Little Joe was blowin' on the slide trombone.

Dancing was difficult, but I managed.

Camilo-The drummer boy from Illinois went crash, boom, bang,
the whole rhythm section was the Purple Gang.

As he finished the verse, I jumped on a table, tripping slightly but staying on my feet.

Me-Let's rock, everybody, let's rock.
Everybody in the whole cell block
was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock.

Everything was blurry, but I could see people's eyes on me.

Camilo-Number forty-seven said to number three:

Camilo tried to make a four and seven with his fingers, I think he actually did, but I'm not sure. He then pointed to a girl with dirty blonde hair, smiling flirtatiously.

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